Chapter 14

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Melissa's POV:

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Melissa's POV:

"Melissa, this has never been an easy job, but I must say the people before you made it work." Vance reminds me as we stand in my office.

This is about the appointments that haven't been happening. I called him in here when I saw him walking by and told him what's been happening. I showed him the messages that were left for me when I wasn't here. Jack took them, but he's in the other room. I didn't want him to deal with this if it got serious.

I thought Vance would understand more, but I'm even more disappointed in myself after hearing him compare me to the past psychiatrists.

"I know but when I call them, I either get sent to voicemail or they lie and tell me they can't hear me."

He sighs. "Then, my advice to you is that you call the captain of the team and remind them that if they don't show up for the next one, they will be suspended. If they have any questions or complaints, they can call me."

I shake my head. I didn't want it to come to this, but I don't have a choice. I never wanted to be the enforcer of anything. I just want to be able to sit down and listen to people and help them. I can't do that unless I have people to help.

"Yes, sir. Thank you."

He nods his head and walks out of the room. Seconds later, out of the corner of my eye I see a head peak out from the back office.

"Is he gone?"

"Were you listening?"

"You never told me to close the door."

He makes me laugh and that's exactly what I need. "Well, since you already know what's going on, I don't have to tell you I'll be on the phone all day again, and hopefully by tomorrow we will have some work to do."

He sighs. "We always had work to do we just didn't have any appointments."

"In a way you're right."

I look at Jack who throws himself on the couch. When I look at him, I remember that Tim and I thought we would be a good match together. I think about it again and it's funny because Tim has no idea what he's talking about. If he did know it wouldn't be as funny.

He sees me trying to hold in my laugh.

"What's so funny? That we get to spend another day gossiping instead of working?"

"I'll act like you didn't ignore everything I said before, but I will tell you I'm laughing because Tim thought that we would make a cute couple."

He shoots his head up. "What?"

It sounds more ridiculous when I say it. "Yeah, but that's just Tim. He said he knows men and he doesn't trust them around me."

"Well, he clearly doesn't know them well enough." He comes over to sit across from me. "Does he have a problem with us working together?"

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