Chapter 68

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(Hey. I hope everyone is still doing okay. I hope reading this is taking you out of your homes and helping in any way. I don't like it in some ways either. I'm lucky to have the NCIS series right now. The thoughts and feelings I've been having I'm trying to ignore. This helps me and it's thanks to you guys too. Don't worry. This too shall pass. <--- okay I didn't want to say it but I figured it was appropriate.)

Melissa's POV:

"Now the only thing we have left to do is plan the bachelorette party."

I'm walking around with Ziva and Jack with coffee in our hands. Of course, we had to go to the coffee shop that Jack loves. He won't go anywhere else and refused to have diner coffee. He's funny that way, but it's what makes him Jack.

We're walking up and down the strip mall with the breeze hitting our faces. It isn't too cold as usual. We're all wearing light coats and joying ourselves.

"I already have everything handled." Ziva says as she wraps her arm around me. "And I think you're going to love it."

"I know I'm going to love it more than the bachelor party." Jack mumbles.

The wedding is creeping up on us and everything is falling into place. Everyone on the guest list has obviously RSVP'd with a yes. Now, we all just have to make it there.

"Ziva do you know what you're wearing yet." Jack asks.

She shakes her head. "I do. I'm not giving out too much information, but I will say it's blue."

Jack eyes widen. "Wait are you serious?" I can see the wheels turning in his head. "Can we coordinate?" He asks with a smirk on his face.

She shakes her head. "Hell yeah! As long as I can trust that you won't tell Melissa anything. I want it to be a surprise."

"Whatever it is you're going to look great." I mean it when I say that. She looks good in everything. Everyone knows it.

"Speaking of surprises, how are you guys handling the day of the wedding?"

I turn to Ziva who looks as clueless as I am. "We show up, say I do, and then party." Ziva chuckles with me.

"Ha. Ha." He rolls his eyes and nudges me in the arm. "I mean are you guys seeing each other before the wedding or doing a big reveal."

I stop walking and they do the same. I didn't think of that before.

"I mean I was just asking because you're not doing anything traditional." It's true we're really not. When we were waiting in line for coffee, I told them that Ducky is going to be marrying us and they thought it was perfect. Jack was nervous for a second because he doesn't want to piss anybody off by barging in there, getting married, and then leaving. He got over it and became happy for us. "I just want to know when to take photos. By the way, I'm taking the photos, so I'm going to have to know your every move."

With the agent's job description, I think anyone can take a good photo at this point. "I don't know. I'll let you know." I'll have to ask Tim for what he wants to do. I don't think he would care either, but I know I do want to walk down the aisle and see him looking down at me. Maybe we will do the big reveal.

"Wow." Jack begins to examine his cup. "I'm out of coffee all of a sudden and would you look where we are."

We're passing his favorite place for the 4th time. There's no judgement from me. I mean I can always go for another cup too. I'm not finished with mine yet, but I have a feeling we're still going to be walking after this.

We stop at the door for Jack to throw his cup away, and that's when someone I didn't think I would see outside of work walk through the door.

She stops in her tracks when she see's that it's us that's in her way. "Oh, hey guys."

It's Abby.

"Hey Abby." Jack says with no problem. He doesn't know anything that has gone on between me and Abby. It's not his problem and a lot of it happened before we became so close.

"Jack, nice coat."


She looks at me and lightly smiles. "Hey, Melissa."

I look at her and suck up all my ill feelings and speak to her. "Hey Abby."

Ziva notices that I talk to her and decides to follow my lead. "Hello, Abby."

"Hi, Ziva."

"How are you?" I ask her.

Her eyes widen when she notices I'm talking to her. "Good. I'm good. I just wanted to get out of my house today and wanted a donut."

"I figured that's why you were here. This isn't the place that sells Big Gulps."

I make her laugh, and I actually join her. "Yeah, you're right."

We stop laughing and the air is filled with silence again.

We all look uncomfortable, and that's when she starts speaking again.

"How's the wedding coming along?"

I didn't think this would be a topic she would want to talk about. I never gave her, and invitation and I know Tim hasn't. If he did, it was revoked the second she walked into our apartment drunk. I shake my head.

"It's coming. It feels soon but not soon enough I guess."

"Yeah." As I continue to look at her, she moves her eyes to the ground. I see she's trying to say something, but she can't get it out. She looks up and I see there are tears in her eyes. "Well, I hope you guys have a wonderful time. Congratulations."

She speeds past us and leaves us feeling horrible. At least that's how I feel.

"Is Abby not invited?"

"Hey Jack," Ziva speaks when he asks that question to save me. "what did you get before? I need to try something new."

His confusion turns into happiness. "Well, come with me, I'll take care of it. Melissa, do you want"?

"Uh, sure. I'll wait out here."

Jack shrugs and drags Ziva in the shop with him.

I don't know why but I never saw Abby in that way before. I never looked at her as someone who's hurting and lonely. That's the person I saw just now. I know things didn't go well between us, but why did it hurt that much.

She kept secrets from me and kissed my fiancé.

Why is it when I remind myself of that now, I don't seem to care?

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