Chapter 47

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Tim's POV:

When Melissa told me, she wanted me to stay in the car I didn't do exactly that. I didn't go in the house with her like she wanted but I did stay near the perimeter of the house. Alright, by near the perimeter of the house I mean I was basically right outside the door. I didn't trust him alone with her and I was right to do so. I heard the yelling and I could basically smell the alcohol from outside the door. I knew something wasn't going to go right.

The second I heard him throw the bottle at the wall, it was basic instinct for me to barge in there and grab my gun. I know it hit the wall, but I didn't know what his next move was. When you do something drastic like that anything else can play out and I didn't want that to happen. He wasn't going to go near her, he wasn't going to touch her if I had anything to do with it.

The car ride back to the apartment was short and that's good because there was nothing really to say in the car. It's clear that she's still shaken up by everything that happened back there. I know that she never mentioned him ever getting physical with her, but it seemed in that moment he was about to. That would shake anyone up.

Before I can get to her side to open the door for her, she opens the door herself and walks to the apartment. She doesn't wait for me, but I don't expect her to because it was pretty bad back there. She probably doesn't want to be outside right now. She just wants to be home.

She opens the door herself and rushes in there. I'm behind her and I shut the door behind us and takeoff my coat. When I turned to her she's staring at me with shock. "Are you okay?"

She shakes her head.

"Then what's wrong?"

She tilts her head like I should know. "Tim, you pointed a gun at James."

"Of course, I did."


I don't understand what's so confusing. "Baby, he threw a bottle at the wall. That's a sign that he didn't care what was going to happen next. He could have gone after you."

"So, what were you going to do shoot him?"

I shrug. "If I thought he was going to hurt you, yes."

She's still in shock. Her eyes widen and she can't believe my answer. "The one time you make a decision and it's shooting James."

Huh? What is she talking about?

"What's that supposed to mean? The one time I make a decision."

She starts pacing. "I have been reaching for you to make a decision on this wedding and I can't get one out of you. Everything you say is about making me happy just me and my happiness and I'm honestly sick of it. I am not the only one involved in this I need you happy to. But every time I try to get your opinion about something it's always about me. And the one time I ask you to stay in the car and not ask you your opinion, you don't listen to me and you point a gun at James's head."

"Because he was going to hurt you!"

"You don't know that!" She looks lost and confused. She runs her fingers through her hair and looks at me. "The nightmare I had about James was him lying on the floor dead. It almost came true when you kicked the fucking door in."

I don't want to hear about James anymore. He's not the one I'm worried about and binding myself to for the rest of my life; it's her. She's the one I'm worried about.

"And I thought he was going to hurt you, so I did what I had to."

I walk to the kitchen because I need water. My mouth is too dry to have this conversation.

Besides are we talking about James or are we talking about the wedding now?

I hear her follow me into the kitchen. "Tim I'm trying to talk to you about this."

"You want to talk now?" I blurt out as I pour the water.

She stops in her tracks and just stares at me. "What's that supposed to mean?"

I think about it for a second and you know what I might as well say it. If we're putting everything on the table after tonight because of what James has caused, then fine. Let's put it out on the table because this way we can get everything out there and we can move on with our lives. We're finally getting over this bump in the road but for some reason I have a feeling we're making another one.

"Baby I want to talk to you about everything. I always want to know what's going on with you because I care, and I'm concerned of your well-being because I'm in love with you. But why am I the last one to know that Jenny is your biological mother and your confiding in everyone else about it but me."

She shocked at what I just brought up. She's blankly staring at me again. I take this as an opportunity to pour more water in my glass because I just chugged the first one.

"Tony told me that you confirmed that she's your mother. It just hurts that you never confided in me about it and I'm the one you're getting married to."

She's speechless for a second. She didn't expect me to say anything about that right now. Like I said if we're going to put it out there let's put everything out there.

She finally finds the words. "I just figured since he put the pieces together by Gibbs and I staring at her photo that the rest of you knew since you were all staring at us. I didn't think it was something I had to discuss with anybody because then he confirmed you all knew."

"But you discussed it with him."

"Because he was hurting Tim. He was hurting more than I could in that moment because he knew her."

"I knew her too."

With that I leave her speechless again. I can tell she doesn't know what to say because she starts looking everywhere besides in my eyes and at me.

"I don't know what you want me to say Tim."

Maybe I didn't make a good choice in discussing this with her tonight. I should've waited until this whole thing with her and James cooled off and we could've talked.

While our emotions are high, we got some truth out there.

I look at her and see the tiredness in her eyes.

This day has gone on way too long already. We should both go to bed and see what tomorrow holds.

I put the glass down and walk over to her still staring at the ground. "Come on, it's been a long day. Let's go to bed."

I put my hand on her shoulder, but she shrugs it off. "I'm not tired Tim."

I sigh behind her and turn around to have her still not look at me. "Do you still want to talk?"

"No, I'm just not tired."


"I'll just meet you in there later, okay?"

She walks past me and heads to the couch.

This isn't what I wanted to happen. I never wanted us to ever have this situation where one of us feels like they have to sleep on the couch. She said she's going to meet me in the bedroom later. I can only pray that that's what she's going to do. I don't want my fiancé sleeping on the couch, so I'll just stay up until she comes in.

"You promise to come to bed soon?"

She's sitting on the couch staring at the wall. "I'll be there Tim." I hear her sniffle and I can tell my worst fear is now coming true.

I'm drifting away from the love of my life and don't know how to stop it.

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