Chapter 2

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Melissa's POV:

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Melissa's POV:

This is the latest Tim and I have ever slept in. Not because we were doing anything so extravagant last night besides getting engaged. He held me all night and we couldn't stop kissing each other. All we were doing was kissing and I can't imagine a more perfect night with him.

My fiancé.

I'm not sure when we actually fell asleep, but I don't care about that. The thing that I care about most is when I wake up, he's right next to me sound asleep looking as handsome as ever. Maybe it's because of the new title. He's no longer my boyfriend, he's my fiancé.

We're engaged.

With everything that happened last night I didn't expect it to turn out like this. I'm ecstatic more than anything. This is the man of my dreams and he wants to marry me. I always knew I wanted to marry him I just didn't know it was going to happen this soon but if it's going to happen, why would we wait? This is our time. This has nothing to do with anyone else or society's standards. He's the love of my life and I am his and we're getting married.

After everything that happened last night, I almost pushed him away. I wanted to get in my car and drive as far as I could. I don't care where I would have ended up, I just wanted to drive, and I get away from here.

Then, the feeling that I've had ever since I've got to know him and love him came to me. I didn't want to be without him. If I was to drive away, I would want him right next to me. The only thing that made sense was coming here and waiting for him to walk through that door. I wanted him this entire time and it took me driving out from behind the bar at high speed to realize all I wanted to be was in his arms again. He can make me feel better just by holding me. I haven't fully saw that until now.

Being engaged to Tim and now having a fiancé doesn't mean that I can ignore the events of last night.

I've been lied to my entire life and it only took minutes for my life to be turned upside down.

How am I supposed to come back from this?

Am I just supposed to except the fact that Gibbs is my biological father and James has a lied to me this entire time? Not only did he do that, but he put me through hell my entire life and I'm not even his kid.

I can't help but think that that's part of the reason why he made my life hell. What if part of it was because I wasn't really his and he knew it? What if he always wanted his own kid, his own flesh and blood, and he never got that and took it out on me?

He looked me in my eyes so many times and said my mother, my house, he's my father. I was lied to the entire time and he had the audacity to sit there and cry and want me to pity him and want me to be on his side. I was on his side once and he never had mine and that is clear now.

Gibbs is a different story. He gave me this job and I've shown time and time again that I deserve it and I still put myself down for it. Not anymore.

I am the psychiatrist. I have my own office. Vance and I talked about making Jack my assistant and it happened. I am my own boss. I do things my way and it's not going to change. I'm staying at work and I'm keeping my head down and I am making a life for me and Tim.

Everything is easier said than done. But I'm going to make this happen no matter what. Tim has stuck by me and I intend to stick by him with a head on my shoulders and to no longer bring this chaos into his life. He said he loves me for me and that he wouldn't take me any other way and still wants to marry me. I love him for that but that doesn't mean I can't stop the drama from happening a little bit less. It will be easier for the both of us.

I didn't realize while I was thinking that he woke up. A hand grabs my face and he brings it to his lips.

I laugh. "Good morning, fiancé."

He smirks. "Wow I even like the sound of that in the morning."

I lean down to kiss my very handsome fiancé, especially when he's shirtless.

He wraps his arms around me and has me lay on him. "Didn't we just do this a few hours ago?"

I lean up. "Why? Do you want to stop?"

His answer is clear as he pulls me back on him to kiss.

The second his hands start to wander; his phone starts to ring.

I look up and he groans.

He reaches out to answer it and he puts it on speaker.

"Yeah, Tony?"

"McGee!" He yells on the phone. "You better be held at gun point, kid napped or in the hospital because if not I'm about to put you there."

Somehow, even though Tony's yelling on the phone I know that this has nothing to do with me or isn't too serious because he wouldn't be wasting time by saying these things. I lay my head on Tim's chest while I can tell he stopped breathing.

"What are you talking about?"

"You left me, Ziva, and Abby in the cold behind the bar last night, 12 hours ago and you never got back to anybody if you found her!"

The mentioning of Abby's name makes me roll off of him and lay on my side.

"Oh, yeah I found her. She just came back to the apartment."

"Well, let a guy know next time, won't you?"

Tim leans over to me and starts kissing me with Tony still on the phone. I try not to giggle or breathe because I don't want him to hear us.

"How's she doing?"

He makes a face because Tony wants to keep talking. "She's better. I think." He makes a questionable look.

I decided to grab the phone from him.

"I'm fine Tony."

I can tell he's surprised to hear my voice. "Oh, Peters. That's good."

I sigh. "I hope you and Ziva made plans for after the stunt I pulled. I'm sorry about that."

He clears his throat. "It's alright. You didn't know who you could trust anymore. We've all been there."

"Thanks Tony." I hand the phone the Tim. I get up to go make coffee.

I can still hear Tim on the phone. "No, Tony she isn't here anymore. Maybe. I wouldn't mention it to her for a while. You'd be mad if I did that to you. Okay. Bye."

I turn on the coffee machine and the second I do I hear feet stumbling into the kitchen and turning it off.

"How about let's go and get some coffee? Let's get out of here for a while. What do you think?"

Normally on days when I feel like this, I would want to stay in with him and just lay in bed. But I've done that enough in my life. I mean I haven't laid on him as much as I would've liked to, but I mean I've stayed inside because of situations that made me uncomfortable and started to control my life. I don't want to do that anymore. This is my life and I think we should go out. I think it's a good idea.

As long as we don't run into anyone I don't want to see, we'll be okay.

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