Chapter 88

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Melissa's POV:

"Tim, are you coming?"

"I don't have a choice." I mean he kind of does, but I'm thankful that he's coming with me and ready to make amends with James.

"I love you!" I shout up the stairs.

"I love you too." He says annoyed that he does and it's why he's doing this for me.

I was extremely nervous about seeing James when I woke up this morning. I'm not necessarily nervous for myself because James and I already made up. I'm nervous because I don't know how he's going to react to seeing Tim. Last time, it clearly didn't go so well.

The fact that Tim is willing to see James for my sake and the wedding as well is already a step in the right direction.

Tim comes down the stairs with two suits he has for James to try on. He looks so handsome while being the bigger person, and my fiancé.

Once he makes it down the stairs, I pull him to me to make his collar straight.

I can feel his eyes on me. "Baby, why are you so nervous?"

He can always sense that about me. I hate it and love it.

On that note, I decide to finally tell him what exactly happened with my meeting with James.

"Last time I saw him, he finally said what I've wanted to hear my entire life." He sets the suits down on the table near the stairs and takes my hands. "He told me he loved me and that he's proud of me. He even said that she would be proud of me right now."

"I believe it." He tucks my hair behind my ear.

"He's never said those things to me. He never mentioned her after her death. She was just something he never talked about. Now I'm nervous if I say the wrong thing, I'll mess everything up again."

He kisses my forehead and brings him into his arms to hold me tight. "First of all, you didn't mess anything up. Second, there is nothing you could do to ever mess it up."

He lifts my chin to look at him. "Every time you've talked to me about him, I could hear it in your voice that all you've wanted was James in your life. You finally have that now. Don't worry about me. I want him in your life if that's what you want."

It is what I want. All I have is horrible memories from my childhood and I'm ready to replace those with new ones.

"Come on," He grabs the suits. "I'll drive."

I'm thankful for the pep talk that Tim gave me. I don't want him to know when I'm nervous but today I'm lucky for it. Now, we're heading to my old house and I'm finally feeling optimistic about it.

"Alright we're here." Tim says after not too long of a drive.

"Okay, you get the suits out from the back and I'll go let him know we're both here."

"Got it."

I get out of the car faster than he does. I'm not nervous like I was before. I just think it would be a good idea that I give James a warning that both of us are here.

I open the door and the house is still clean. There aren't alcohol bottles anywhere. I know he's sober, but he now hasn't been sober for too long. The first few weeks, months, are the hardest. I have faith he can get back to where he was, but he has to get through these early times first.

I look at his chair and he isn't there. He through me off guard last time by sitting in the kitchen, but he isn't there either.

"Dad!" I shout as I enter the house.

The bathroom door is closed but it looks like the light isn't on in there. "Tim and I are here to see if you would want to wear one of the suits that he has to the wedding!" I shout as I get closer to the bathroom.

I knock lightly on the door and don't hear anything. I push the door opened a little until I can see that no one is in there. I walk to his bedroom to see that his bed is made, but he isn't there either.

Where is he?


I walk towards the basement to look down there and see if the light is on. With his leg he shouldn't be walking down that many stairs, but I thought I would give it a shot. The basement is completely dark.

I walk into the kitchen to see if there is any alcohol left and that he might have relapsed. Not only that but to see if any food has been bought to see if he has been here recently.

As I get to the fridge, I trip over something that really hurt my foot. I fridge catches my fall.

"What the hell..."

As I look down to see what I tripped over, I see that the nightmare I had, is becoming real life.

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