Chapter 71

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Tim's POV:

Another evening spent packing boxes. For people who don't have a lot material wise, we're sure taking our time packing it up.

Melissa finally started on the kitchen. She was nervous in starting it because she doesn't want to break anything. I told her that it's our stuff, so who cares if we break it? We'll just get a new one. Hell, we can just get new set.

I'm walking back into the apartment from placing the couch at the end of curb with a sign reading, TAKE IF YOU PLEASE.

I asked Melissa three time if she was positive that I can get rid of it now. She said, "Yes, we have two waiting for us. Someone could need that one right now."

I'm hopelessly in love with this girl and yet I fall harder every time she speaks.

Especially yesterday. If you told me when I woke up yesterday morning that Melissa and I would be making up with Abby, let alone inviting her to the wedding, I would have told you to not hold your breath.

She surprised me when she told me that she saw Abby the other day and didn't say anything to me. I'm not upset I was just shocked because they haven't been able to be in the same room for over a month now. I have to say I'm happy about it. We're walking into the wedding with no regrets, grudges, or hard feelings towards anyone. This really is a fresh start.

I walk back into the apartment and can't believe how big this place looks now. I had so much crap in the living room that there was simply no room to live in. Melissa never said anything. That's how she is.

I meant it when I told her that I never prepared for this part of my life. I really never thought this would happen for me. I thought I would have to choose my job or chose someone who might be the one. It's because of her I can have both. I'm not thanking the fact she wanted to work at NCIS, I'm not thanking Gibbs and Vance to give her the job. I'm thanking her.

She's the reason she is the way she is. She could be a doctor, a teacher, a hairstylist, and she would still love me for me and accept me for who I am.

This job takes up so much time. Whether we have a case, or we don't, my time is spent there. Melissa's time is spent there, and she isn't even out on the field with us anymore. She's now examining us, except none of us have ever sat down with her yet. I'm not sure if I'm allowed to sit down with her, considering we will be married soon, but that doesn't matter. I get to go home to her every day, that's more than enough.

"Hey handsome." She says walking towards me. "You're letting the heat out."

I turn around and notice I never shut the door. "Oh, sorry." I close the door quickly and lock the door behind me.

She smiles at me and is catching her breath from the lifting she's been doing. "Are you still trying to image your life out of here?"

"A little, but I'm ready for it."

I look at her wearing shorts and a sports bra. She doesn't know what she's doing to me right now. She thinks she's keeping her body cool from the packing. When for me, she's looking a sexy as ever.

I have to ignore that to the best of my ability. I don't know where the, wait till the wedding to have sex, came from but I have to admit I don't mind it. It bothers me at night when I have her in my arms. I must admit that it's kind of hot too. We'll have our first night as a married couple, in our new home, in our new bed. I can't wait.

Thinking of the wedding night reminds me of something. "Uh, Melissa."


"We never decided on a honeymoon spot."

She stops breathing and blankly stares at me. "Holy shit." Her blank stare is turning into a smile and she starts laughing. "Holy shit."

I have to smile and laugh a long with her because it actually is hilarious.

She catches her breath and puts her hands on her hips. "Okay, well where do you want to go?"

She's asking me? We have the same experience. We've been to New York, I went to college, and that's the farthest I've been out of here.

I can tell her where I don't want to go because it's what she wants. She's wanted me to stick up for myself and I'd like to think I've been doing it well.

"I burn in the sun, so beaches tend not to be my friend."

She laughs. "Okay, and I don't want to go anywhere with a different language. We have less than two weeks and we clearly don't have the time." She's laughing again because we're probably the most disorganized pair of fiancés to ever walk the earth.

"Okay, so somewhere in America that's not a beach." I say.

"We can go back to New York." She says under her breath.

"What?" I ask her.

"We can go back to New York." She walk over to be closer to me. "I know we didn't have the best way of telling each other that we love one another there, and maybe it's too busy for me, but it was beautiful. I loved waking up and walking down those streets with you by my side. Why don't we go back? Like a do over, but we're married this time."

"Yeah, because you sound like you had a blast."

"I know I did in the bedroom." She pulls my shirt and kisses me with her cherry lips.

I know I did too. I can't think of that right now. I have to keep my cool.

"Okay, okay, but not Manhattan."

She looks shocked. "Not Manhattan? Then, where?"

"Come on Melissa. You don't think I remember the way you fell in love with Queens when we went to that bar. Your eyes lit up with everything we passed. You were more comfortable there than you were even for a second in Manhattan."

I lift her up and make her giggle. "What do you say?"

She looks down and me with a full smile. "I say get us a room right now."

I spin her around in my arms and make her happier than she was before. We're about to be the happiest we've ever been, and I can't wait.  

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