Chapter 25

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Melissa's POV:

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Melissa's POV:

When I asked Gibbs to go somewhere to talk about this privately, I didn't realize it would mean going off work grounds. He guided me to his car and I immediately got in by instinct.

We don't go too far when we pull up to a diner, that's walking distance from work. It's a cute little diner and it looks a little retro. It's really cool actually. There's a lot of pink and blue and it makes me feel almost at home even though I never grew up with these colors at all.

It's not remotely close to private, but I won't complain. As long as we know no one here that can interrupt us I'll be fine.

The woman behind the counter greets Gibbs as if she's known him forever. He tells her that he's going to sit at a booth as he chooses one for us. He also asks for the usual for the both of us. I hope that doesn't entail food because there is no way I'm hungry right now.

When he slides into the booth it's almost as if he feels right at home. I don't even get to say anything before the woman that was behind the counter comes over to us with two black coffees for here. We have the same coffee order. I forgot for a second.

He lifts up the coffee to his face and the steam hits him. He doesn't mind it though. It's the way he likes it.

"I'm assuming you have questions."

I hug the mug with my hands and feel the warmth hit me.

"I do."

He puts the mug down and puts all the attention on me. "Shoot."

"Okay. Number 1, why didn't she want you to know she was sick?"

He sips his coffee and then clears his throat. "She knew me in a way that only one other person knew me."

"Your wife?"

He shakes his head. "Which one would you like to talk about first?"

"The timeline." I answer rapidly. If I don't figure out soon my head will explode. "That part doesn't make sense to me."

He smirks because he's aware that he was unclear. I know he can tell that this was bothering me from the second he brought it up.

"You think you're the older sister, don't you?" I shake my head. "No." He laughs at a time like this. "You're the younger one. I met Shannon at a young age and luckily, we knew from the start we were meant to be." He says with pride. "Jenny and I didn't happen until I started working here, which wasn't long after the accident." The pride in his voice is gone. It now sounds like emptiness.

My mind can rest now. I was going to feel horrible if I was a love child between two people when he was married to another woman. Obviously, I had no control over the situation, but I would still feel disgusted if it was the case.

He takes my hand from across the table. "Shannon doesn't concern you as much as Jenny doesn't. Do you want to continue that conversation?"

"Sure." I can feel my coffee getting cold, but I don't care for once.

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