Chapter 95

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Melissa's POV:

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Melissa's POV:

I was basically done grabbing everything I needed for the wedding tomorrow when it was time for me and Tim to get going. I looked back into the room to make sure I had everything. I checked my bag one more time. I checked to make sure I had the other piece of jewelry that was very important to me and needed for my vows, and that's when I felt it.

As I reached into my pocket, I realize I had something in there that I didn't know was there to begin with.

My dad's pocketknife.

I would have thought with everything going on that I would've known it was in there and that I was still grabbing it every day.

I walked over to the nightstand as I continue to look at the knife. I remembered him teaching me everything that he knew, and I felt as if I was never in danger again.

It was because of him I wasn't scared to go to school anymore.

He did that for me.

"Baby, are you almost ready?"

I heard him call from downstairs. "I'm coming!" I told him.

"You see dad, it's okay. I'm safe now." I say as I gently place the knife in the drawer of the nightstand. I'll keep it close to me at night just in case, but I know with Tim being by my side for the rest of my life, I will always be safe.

When we got outside Ziva's house, I didn't want to leave him. I was wishing that we could have just gotten married right then and there and moved on to our honeymoon.

I walked out of the car and moved in a way for him to not even have eyes on my suitcase. I don't know I'm taking the surprise of the dress so seriously, but it's fun in a way.

When Ziva opened the door, she had a huge smile on her face, and I returned one.

I turned around to wave at my fiancé for the last time I see him before tomorrow.

Once I was fully in the house, Ziva started clapping and I hugged her tight. "This is happening Ziva. This is really happening."

"I know!" She shouted. "Now, let me just make sure we have everything in place for tomorrow."

We went through my bag and went through her makeup as well.

She held the dress up and smiled as she went to hang it. "This is so beautiful. I can't wait to see you in it tomorrow."

"Well, what are you wearing?"

"Okay, okay, I'll go get it." She ran to her room and I could hardly contain my excitement.

When she walked out, I didn't want to look at first because it was going to all be over, but when I did, I couldn't believe what I was seeing. She was holding a beautiful blue dress that was backless. It was outlined with rhinestones in some places and I just couldn't take my eyes off of it.

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