Chapter 83

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(ZOO just got wild for season 3! This stuff is actually crazy. I heard the virus is getting better in New York, meaning the cases are dropping. Things are looking up everyone!)

Tim's POV:

I wrap my arms around my fiancé as she continues to make homemade pizza. I kiss her on the neck and make her giggle.

"How's my girl doing?"

"I'm wonderful." She turns around with an apron and hands full of flour.

She pokes my nose and leaves a dot of flour on it. "Hey!" We both start to laugh, and I focus on her smile.

She was right when she brought up the first time, she moved in with me. I remember I just wanted her to feel comfortable because I knew that we were going to be forever. It didn't freak her out that I wanted her to move in and make it a home for herself. She was just careful because she never met anyone like me before.

She cried happy tears when she heard this placed was ours and was so happy the other day when she saw that we were finally moved in.

I have to back off and let her make her own decisions this time. I have to stop being so anxious about her and us. I finally was able to tell when her tears were happy but couldn't figure out that everything was fine as long as she was smiling, which she still is.

"So," I let her get back to her cooking and wipe the flour off my face. "are you ready for your bachelorette party tomorrow?"

"I am. Which I was going to ask you are you going to Tony's tomorrow night?"

I chuckle. "Yeah, it was a last-minute plan considering he was originally going to come to our place until-"

"Until you spontaneously moved here without even telling me."

"Yes, until I spontaneously moved us."

"So, should I stay at Ziva's or should she drive me to Tony's?"

"I'll ask Tony what he wants even though he'll probably say yes."

I pour us both wine and she couldn't be happier that I did that.

"I got garlic bread for us too. I didn't feel like making it."

"I don't blame you."

I sit at the kitchen table and watch her cook. I notice from time to time as she prepares her ingredients that she isn't focused on them. I can tell she has something else on her mind.

"What are you thinking about?"

She quickly turns to me and tries to change her facial expressions. "Not much." Which means a lot.


She turns to me again and stops stirring her sauce. "I was just wondering if not tomorrow night, clearly, but the next night that you'll come with me to give James a suit."

I didn't think that's what was on her mind. I didn't even think that was ever something she was considering. "You want there with you?"

She takes off her apron and joins me at the table. "I just thought it would be a good bonding experience for you both. Maybe clear the air of the whole almost shooting him thing."

"And almost hitting you with a bottle thing." I know he told Gibbs that he did that not to hit her, but to scare her into leaving. He wanted her out because he didn't want to her to see him like that again.

That's what he said. Whether I believe him I don't know. I do know that Melissa and he talked it through and even had a breakthrough in their relationship. I think that's great but that was between them I wasn't there, therefore I can't be sure.

"Is that a yes then?" She asks me as she kisses me on the cheek.

I smirk. How will I ever be able to say not to this one. "Yes, I'll go with you." I turn her head and kiss her on the lips.

This way I can see for myself that he has changed and make the call for our relationship in the future.

I just hope he doesn't try anything funny this time.

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