Chapter 10

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(First, I would like to say I'm sorry for disappearing for a week. I had a lot going on with my family and work for the holiday season. I'm glad to be back and can't wait to get this book going for you all to read. Enjoy.)

Melissa's POV:

"W-well are you sure?"

Jack asks me as if he hasn't been breathing down my neck about my engagement. I'm not complaining. It was nice taking about it and have him accept it and be happy for me.

I haven't told him who, but he put it together that it's the boyfriend that I've told him about before. I didn't tell him the whole Gibbs ordeal either. I just told him that he was there when I needed him the most, when I felt like I had no one and he asked me. Jack doesn't have to be dragged into that and he won't be if I have anything to say about it.

I told him how we went out and got each other rings.

He hung on to every word I said. He was really listening to me. He said congratulations twice with a smile on his face.

He was joking and said, "When do I get to meet the guy that stole your heart?"

"You can meet him after work. He's coming here to get me." I said completely serious.

Clearly, he didn't expect me to say anything.

"No, no. You should just head home. You're going to want to leave here right away anyway."

"That's going to be kind of hard since he has to come to the office to get me."

He froze for a second and looked at me and took in that I'm completely serious. It's about time. We've only been talking about this all day.

I'm not going to lie. I didn't even bother calling the people that cancelled their appointments. I'll do it tomorrow. I've been having it rough. I know we all just got back from break, but I think I deserved this.

I'll regret it tomorrow.

I think Jack is nervous about meeting him because last time we talked, he told me I made it sound like I was dating a criminal and was being roped in as an accessory.

I should have explained myself more but getting him involved back then was different. Also, Tim is far from a criminal.

Now, I have a ring on my finger and a man by my side. I think it's fine that he can finally know as well.

The end of the day is near, and I haven't seen anyone I didn't want to see. It's definitely because I was locked in my office all day, but it was worth it to spend some time with Jack.

Tomorrow I'm going to have to call all those people and demand they come here or they're going to be suspended.

I don't make the rules. I just have to enforce them.

Minutes go by after the day ends and I can see Jack is getting antsy.

"Look, Mel I don't have to meet him. I'm just happy you're happy."

Before I can beg him to stay, my man walks through the door and greets me and Jack.

"Hey." He smiles at me. "Hey Jack." He acknowledges.

He comes to me and kisses me. I close my eyes and when he stops, I open them and see Jack with his mouth on the floor.

"Timothy McGee?"

Tim looks confused. "Yes?"

Jack is still in shock but looks thrilled that he didn't see a guy come in here in handcuffs and being escorted by police. "Oh my God. It's you." He beams.

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