Chapter 45

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Tim's POV:

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Tim's POV:

Today is the day. Today's the day that Melissa and I are going over to her old house to see James. She's going to finally confront him after all this time and after all the secrets have come to light.

I woke up dreading at the thought of having to wake her up to this day. Lucky for me she was already awake staring at the ceiling. When she saw I was awake she turned over and she crawled into my arms. We laid there for a bit until she decided she wanted to finally get ready. I know she just wants to get the day over with. I wouldn't have mind laying there all day with her instead.

I walk out of the bathroom buttoning my shirt and see her staring at the closet.

I walk over to her and wrap my arms around her. "Don't know what to wear?"

She sighs while grabbing my arms. "I'm wearing a sweatshirt. I know I'm wearing a sweatshirt." I can feel that she was going to say something else, but she stops herself.

"I'm going to make coffee before we go." She walks out of the room.

I don't know what to do for her here. This is something I've never had to deal with in my life. I've put myself in between her and James before and one time it was appreciated and the other time it basically wasn't.

I know that at the end of the day this is something that she's going to figure out the moment she walks through that door. She wants me there with her and I am more than happy to be there for her. I just wish there were something I could do to help. I haven't felt close to her in a long time because of this problem and I'm happy to finally get it over with. I want her to move on from this and focus on us and the wedding. I want her to let go of all the past trauma.

Ever since the truth came out about everything, she has been fully occupied. Her body and her mind have never fully been to rest ever since then. I miss my girl I miss her being happy. I know that when we got engaged, I had her mind and her body. During the wedding planning it's her and me and no one else. Every other time her stress and worry get to her so much that she's gone. I don't know where her mind goes and it's as if her body goes with her.

What I'm saying is I miss her. I don't want to miss her more if she goes in there and does something that she doesn't really want to do. I don't want to have to get in between them again but I don't trust James with her. I don't trust this whole situation because he hasn't tried to reach out to her ever since she found out the truth. If he was really sorry, he would be calling her. If he felt bad at all he would've reached out to somebody to try to come over to our apartment and apologize to her. There's something about the situation I don't like, and I can't put my finger on it.

I just want her to be safe.

She comes back into our room and interrupts my thoughts. She hands me a mug of coffee and almost finished hers in one gulp. I can't focus on my coffee right now. As usual I have her on my mind especially at a time like this.

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