Chapter 46

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Melissa's POV:

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Melissa's POV:

I feel like I can't breathe with what I'm seeing right now. I shut the door and it feels like I even blocked out the noise of that. I try to catch my breath while examining the room. When I walk closer into the living room there are cans of beer everywhere. There are bottles of scotch just on the floor. The TV is on but it's muted.

I see that James is in the chair because his hand is on the armrest. I'm nervous to walk towards it because I don't want to see my nightmare come true. I pick up one beer can, and I already know the brand because this was his favorite when I was growing up. It's completely empty there's not a drop left in it.

When I walk to the front of the chair, I see that his eyes are closed. I'm praying that he's resting so I can wake him up and give him shit for all of this. I shake his hand and he doesn't wake up. I shake it again a little more and harder and he still doesn't do anything.

Now I'm getting annoyed and I shake it to the point where I knock his hand on to his lap. "James?"

He wakes up coughing. I feel like I can partly breathe again. That is until I see a beer box on the couch next to him and multiple empty glasses on the table.

He opens his eyes and doesn't look so happy to see me. "Oh, look who's here. My own daughter but not my flesh and blood but my daughter."

Oh, he wants to start this now? He's ready?

"Are you fucking kidding me?" I wave the beer can in front of his face.

"What?" He groans.

"You're fucking drinking again." I continue to try and catch my breath and fight the tears away. "I leave you alone for two minutes and you're fucking drinking again."

He scuffs. "So, what is it to you? You don't live here anymore. You don't give a shit about me. I can do what I want with my life now. Besides, it's been months since you moved out, not two minutes."

I'm trying to ignore what he is saying. I make my way to the kitchen to see if that bottle that I partly finished is still in the cabinet. When I get there, I open the cabinet and see that the bottle is gone. I look around the kitchen to see if it's on the floor or on the counter and I can't find it. It's not until I look back and James and I see it on his table next to him.

I make my way back to him. "I thought that bottle was for you staying sober and remembering why you're doing it."

He belches the way he used to and that alone brings tears into my eyes. "It was until I decided I had nothing left to lose." He takes a look at it and then back at me. "Why did you want to take another sip like you did before?"

I'm not letting him do this. I'm not letting him talk down to me like that after everything he put me through.

"Oh, I'm sorry. Was your childhood ripped from under you? Are you wondering why you were treated a certain way by your father who is not even your father but chose to take you in as his and then treat you like shit your entire life? Oh wait. That was me."

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