Chapter 84

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Melissa's POV:

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Melissa's POV:

"I've been worried about what you were going to wear that I wasn't even focused on what I was going to wear."

Ziva tells me as she's curling my hair.

"Honestly Ziva, let me tell you I never cared about my appearance until I started working at NCIS."

"Until you started working at NCIS. Or until you met Tim?" She smirks and I see her reflection in the mirror.

I can't make a move, or I'll burn both of us with the curling iron. "Maybe it was both."

"Sure, it was."

She finishes curling my hair and I decide to get my outfit that I put together last minute. I'm putting a blue tank top on with ruffles on the chest, and dark blue jeans to go with it. I'm wearing my Converse as usual. I don't know where were going, but I called Ziva earlier and she told me that she planned nothing fancy.

Thank goodness.

I'm assuming what I felt in that moment was the feeling Tim felt when he saw the party Tony really planned for him.

I'm just thankful that Ziva knew that I would want to be comfortable on a night like this. I've never been to one of these types of parties before, so I don't exactly know what to expect.

I walk out of the room and Ziva is basically wearing the same thing as me, expect she has a long red sleeved shirt with her jeans. Also, she has makeup on which she rarely wears at work and it's really bringing out her eyes.

"Ziva you look great." I get closer to her and notice her necklace is crooked, so I go to fix it for her. "Do you know when Jack is going to be here?"

"In a few minutes. He's actually going to be driving tonight."

"He doesn't want to drink?"

"Apparently he went too hard when he was at the bachelor party that he's still feeling the hangover."

That isn't that surprising considering the state that Tim was in when he arrived at Ziva's that night. I knew a little bit about it because when I saw him at work, he looked tired, but still said he had a good time that night. He had a little too much fun and could barely keep his eyes opened the rest of the day.

"Well, I'm just glad he'll be there."

She guides us to grab our coats. "Did you invite Abby to this as well?"

"No." I answer quickly. "We're still working on things and even though we made amends this is still something I just want to share with you guys."

She looks out her window and I can tell by her facial expression that Jack is outside. "I mean this in the nicest way possible, but good because I don't want any chance of there being any drama."

I giggle and follow her out the door.

When we reach Jack's car, he's dancing in his seat and starts clapping his hands. Ziva offers for me to sit in the front, but I don't mind sitting in the back. I like it better in a way. "Ladies, I am so ready for tonight!"

I buckle my seatbelt and Jack turns around to face me. "Bachelorette, are you ready for tonight?"

"As I'll ever be." I really have no idea what Ziva has planned for us. She hasn't told me a thing this entire time. Ziva could hold the secret to happiness in life, but if someone told her not to tell, she would take that secret to her grave.

"Alright, let's go!" Jack hits the gas and we're off to... wherever the hell.

Tim's POV:

"Do you really think Ziva got the strippers?" I ask Tony. I remember when we were talking about it at work, Melissa said she didn't mind if I had strippers at my party. After that, Ziva attempted to find a place to get them. That makes them sound like property, but I don't know how to word it, I've never had to make an appointment with them before. Also, I never knew if Ziva succeeded or not. I did know better than to ask.

He shakes his head as he comes back to his island in the kitchen. "I don't know Probie. All I know is Jack is the lucky one. He gets to go to your party and her party. I mean why weren't we invited? I thought bachelorette parties were girls only."

The reason he was invited is the reason I'm nervous about.

Gibbs let the girls leave early today for their party like he did for us. The only difference is he gave Melissa a hug when she was leaving. I haven't heard much about their relationship since they cleared the air with all the secrets from the past. I hope for her that when we're finally married and back from our honeymoon, he'll take the relationship more seriously.

He made it a big deal to make her apart of NCIS in the first place. He should make a big deal about keeping a relationship with her.

Tony sits down next to me and hands me a glass of scotch. "Probie, if I ask you something right here right now, are you going to be honest with me?"

A heart to heart wasn't something I expected to be happening tonight. It's better now than ever.


He swirls around his scotch before taking a huge sip of it. "Are you really not nervous about getting married?"

Somehow, I knew it was going to have to do with marriage. I wonder why.

"I'm nervous that I'll mess up, or we'll get in trouble and ran out of the church for getting married without their permission to even be there. But I'm not nervous about knowing I'll spend the rest of my life with her."

He shakes his head. I knew he only wanted to know the last part of my answer, which was, no, I'm not worried about spending my life with one person, especially not when it's her.

"I don't know if I should bring this up now, but how long is your vow?"

Hearing that question, I get chills and blankly stare at him.

His body gets tense. "Probie your wedding is less than a week away, and you haven't written it yet?"

"I-I know. I know." The vows didn't exactly slip my mind. It's just every time I begin to write it, I get so emotional that I can't see the paper in front of me anymore.

How do you fit everything you want to say to the love of your life in a vow? I'm lucky I'm about to have her for the rest of my life, but I can't figure out how to tell her, in front of our friends and family.

That's the problem. I can say things to her when I'm allow with her, but never like this and the emotions that I'm holding. I have to get started on them and fast, but meaningful.

Do those two things even correlate?

"Did I just make you more nervous?"


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