Chapter 61

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Tim's POV:

When I wake up, I'm pleased to hear the shower going. It reminds me that my girls home with me and we're out of that horrible situation.

After Tony gave me that great advice to stand up for myself, I decided to actually do it. I haven't done it in a long time because I wasn't focusing on myself anymore. There was never a reason to do so anyway. That was until my relationship was in jeopardy. That's when I stood up for me, my girl, and our relationship the outcome was one I never expected.

I don't even know what I was going to say when I walked in her office. It was as if everything just came out of me like it was supposed to. I was hoarding this feeling only for a day, but it was a damn long day. I guess time helps one out of your conundrum with your fiancé.

When I tell you, I wasn't expecting the reaction I got I mean it. I thought that there would've been so much more arguing. I thought that we would've been stuck in the office for hours trying to talk through this. Instead my fiancé grabs me and kisses me. Other things of course went down but I'm not focusing on that. I missed her so much and I missed feeling that affection. I think we both did.

I just wanted her to come home. I didn't think that she would kiss me and let me touch her. I didn't think that she would forgive me the way that she did. I just wanted her home with me to know she was okay, and we can work through this together. It turns out that there's nothing to work through.

The shower shuts off and I run to the kitchen. I'm wearing my boxers and typical T-shirt. It's a little cold and in here but I don't care at the moment. I want to get my fiancé's coffee ready.

I can't help but smile the entire time I brew the coffee. Melissa, the love of my life, is going out to buy her wedding dress today. Well I shouldn't say she's going to buy it because sometimes brides take several trips to the store to find the perfect dress. I don't care what cut the dress is. I don't care about the brand. I don't even care if it's white. If it's her walking down the aisle, then I'm going to be forever thankful.

Last night when I found out she was going dress shopping I was so ecstatic. I woke up in the night because of the thought of it and wanted to see her immediately. I looked over to my side and saw my girl sleeping. Then, I grabbed my phone and texted Tony if he would like to go suit shopping with me today. He didn't respond to me until just a few minutes ago. But it's nice to know that I will be going out with Tony today. I'll have it be a surprise for Melissa. There's so many things I have to tell her, but I don't want to do it yet because I don't want to jinx anything.

I feel arms wrap around me as I start to pour the coffee.

"Morning beautiful."

I feel her kiss my back. "Good morning."

I'm able to turn to her with her arms still wrapped around me.

She rests her head on my chest and I kiss her head. "Did you sleep well?"


I take her arms to move back from me to see her outfit. She's wearing jeans with a beautiful black top. Her boots are long, and they look so sexy on her.

"Don't you look nice for dress shopping." I hand her the coffee and she immediately starts drinking.

"Thank you." She walks towards the table and I follow her.

"I didn't wake you, did I?"

"Oh, no. I just woke up."

She smiles and sips her coffee. We sit here in silence for a while just to enjoy each other's company. It doesn't hurt since she's beautiful to look at.

"I like this." I break the silence.

She looks at me worried that I was talking, and she wasn't paying attention.

"I like that we can sit here like this for a second. We can just take it all in." I clarify for her.

She smiles and looks down at the table. "So, you don't think we're moving too fast?"

Moving too fast? Oh please. I scuff. "Baby, you do realize we live together," I take her left hand. "and are engaged, don't you?"

She smirks and my sarcastic comment and slowly puts her mug down. "You know what, I'm glad you said that."

She gets up from her seat to come sit on my lap. "Because I've been wanting to do this all morning."

She softly kisses my neck. She starts to nibble on my ear and I almost drop the mug. Luckily, I catch myself and put it on the table.

She grabs my face to make me kiss her. She's doesn't have to try too hard. I would never reject her in that way.

She moves her hands down to my boxers and moves her hand into them.

She continues to kiss me as she starts to pump her arm. I have to stop giving her to let some air get to my brain.

She kisses my neck again and I can't feel my legs. "Damn." I moan.

She makes these cute wine noises that turn me on more.

She starts to move faster and rock her hips on me. "I missed you." She whispers into my ear.

I can't say anything. She's leaving me speechless.


The harder she sucks on my neck, and the faster she goes, the closer I get.

The second I'm about to finish. I grab her face and put her lips to mine.

Once I do, I have to take another breath. My body relaxes and she kisses my face softly.

She take her hand out of my boxer and goes to the sink to wash her hands.

Her phone goes off. "Jack and Ziva are here I'm assuming."

"Yeah." She dries her hands and looks at me with a wide smile.

I can't believe it's happening either. This is everything we've wanted, and it's being put into action.


"It's just nice to know I won't be the only one with a hickey today."

She says that and she walks out of the kitchen and heads to the door.

I do what she did last night and run to the bathroom. I stare in the mirror and see that mark that has already been left on my neck.

I'm never going to live this one down with Tony.

"Yeah, great."

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