Chapter 44

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Melissa's POV:

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Melissa's POV:

Yesterday was an unusual day. Jack knew that I was going through something. He can always tell the second I walk in the door. Then, when I went to go see the guys downstairs to go home an unpleasant face appears behind us as we were walking to the car. She wasn't someone I wanted to see. I know it sounds like I've been going on about this forever but I'm not ready yet. I don't understand why she can't respect that.

When I got in the car, I was surprised to hear Ziva say what she did to Abby. I'm not surprised she stuck up for me. I'm just surprised she decided to speak about the subject because she's been silent for so long. I thought she was just letting it ride out and waiting for us to figure it out. When I heard her say the things that she did it made me love her and appreciate her as a friend even more.

It's another slow day and Jack isn't here so I'm extra bored than usual.

I was thinking about it and I realize that I need someone to talk to that isn't Tim. I know he has my back 100% but I need an opinion of someone from the outside. Not even an opinion just another different mindset listening to what's happening.

I find myself walking out of my office and going down to autopsy. Ducky is always the one to give the best advice when it's not needed but I need it more than ever now.

When I get down here it's quiet. There are no bodies on the tables and it actually smells like lemon in here. I was bracing myself for an unpleasant smell, but I'll take this instead. I don't hear anything throughout the room. Maybe they left for a lunch break and I'm too late to see them.

"Hey Peters." I'm surprised when Jimmy comes from the back room cleaning the tools in his hands. "I thought I heard the door open."

"Hey Jimmy." It's cold down here. Thank goodness decided to wear a sweater today. "Is Ducky here?"

"He stepped out. Can I take a message?"

Oh please. If I was leaving a real voicemail, I would be 3 hours over the time limit.

I sigh and tighten my arms around myself. "No, it's fine. Thank you though."

I don't know why I came here anyway. I do need the advice, but I should've chosen a different time to do it. I should've come here after work when everyone's caught up in what they have to do. I'll just go be bored again in my office and text Jack and begging him to become full-time even though he has no control over it.

Jimmy stops me before I can get to the door. "Are you okay?"

I turn around and decide to be honest I'm with him. "I have a lot going on right now."

"Anything I can help with?" He takes a seat on a stool. He pulls another one closer to him for me to sit on as well.

This isn't what I came here for, but who knows what Jimmy might think.

"You know I've spent a lot of time with Dr. Mallard. I might be able to channel my inner Ducky and give at least decent advice."

He made me laugh so I might as well take a seat and give him a chance.

When I sit down, I can see I have his attention. He puts the tools down and he looks in my eyes even though I don't want to look into his. It has nothing to do with him I'm just embarrassed of the whole situation.

We can't finish this conversation if I never start it. "Do you know how I told you that Gibbs is my father?"

He shakes his head.

"Well I'm finally confronting James, my dad who attempted to raise me, and I still don't know what I'm going to say."

It feels weird talking to Jimmy about this because he doesn't know everything. It feels refreshing at the same time because he only knows so little.

"So, you're still mad that he lied to you?"

"I'm still upset about all the lies. He started the one and I guess he just couldn't stop."

He thinks for a second. "Well, do you want him at the wedding?"

I think about it. "I don't know."

"Here let me ask you this. How do you want to end it with him? After all the talking and maybe some yelling, what do you want to do with your relationship?"

Wow. Jimmy is good at this. No one has ever asked me this before. Not even myself.

I have to think about it for a minute because I never thought about that before. I don't know where I want to end up with him. I'm not sure how it's going to go.

I can finally think of something and I have to speak on it. "Peace."

Jimmy lightly smiles and nods his head.

"I want peace. I just want to be able to walk away from each other with a respectful understanding." This is true. I'm not sure whether that means I still want him in my life forever or at the wedding, but I know I want peace.

I sound like a runner up for Miss America.

He shakes his head. "Does this help you think about anything that you want to say to him?"

"No." I have to be honest with him. "I'm not going to know until I see him face-to-face."

"But you know where you want to end up with him. That's more you know than what you came in here with."

I have to say I'm shocked. I did not expect Jimmy to say any of this. I'm not even sure ducky could've said it like Jimmy did.

"Now where did this Jimmy come from?"

He shrugs. "I saw that you needed someone, and I tried to pull out all the tricks to make you feel better."

Honestly, I was looking for advice on how to approach this and on how to speak to James. Somehow the advice Jimmy gave me is better than anything that I wanted.

"Next time I need advice I'm coming to you."

"Anytime Peters. I'd love that."

I throw myself off the stool to hug him on his. "Thank you."

"I'm not sure I did much for you. But I'm here anytime you need me." He says while he hugs me back.

"You'll be at the wedding, right?" I practically beg. "On Valentine's day."

He looks around as if he does want people to hear us. "Don't tell him I told you, but Gibbs already gave everyone the day and next morning off."

That means everyone will be there for sure and we can celebrate the new chapter in our lives.

I look back at Jimmy, who started cleaning his tools again. He's smiling and humming a tune to himself. I haven't known Jimmy as much as the rest of the guys have, but the Jimmy I met has come a long way and turned into someone I'm glad to call my friend.

"Hey, how's Heather?" I don't want to make this entire visit about myself. "You can bring her to the wedding you know?"

"Oh, she would love that. She really loves you guys. She's doing well. We hit a bump in the road, but it's nothing to worry about now. We're doing fine. She's attending as many meetings as she can to get her feet on the ground with her business."

At least he was honest. I know it isn't my business, but most people would answer fine even though everything isn't.

I wish these two the best. He's going to be a doctor, and she's going to own her own business.

I'm not sure how I would handle being in a meeting and talking to someone on a business level like that.

It makes me wonder if Tim has done the whole meeting thing by himself.

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