Chapter 41

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(For any new readers

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(For any new readersSarah's Story: What's Going to Happen: Chapters 59-72)

Melissa's POV:

Waiting in the lobby alone is actually the most irritating thing I can possibly go through. I hate being by myself with the thoughts I'm having. I don't know what's going on in there and it's driving me crazy. I know Tim can handle himself, but I don't want him to do it by himself.

I'm surrounded by these white walls and people dressed in all white and it isn't fooling me one bit. I understand that the point of this is to be in a calm and relaxing environment, but it's actually making my anxiety worse. It's supposed to put on this façade that they are clean and that they know what they're doing and that they are certified to be handling people's kids.

People's loved ones.

People's significant others.

Friends and family.

I want Sarah to be sober, but most importantly I want her safe. I don't know why am having this weird feeling. It's probably just because Tim is in there without me and I don't know if they're treating her right in here. I don't know if they're paying enough attention to her. I don't know if they're giving her the right medication. I don't know if she's getting enough sleep.

I want them both safe.

I can't keep Tim safe by opening my mouth about how I feel. I can't keep her safe if she isn't getting better and I'm in the rehab that's trying to make her better right now. At least I hope they're trying to make her better.

The moment Nancy came back without him I knew that everything had to be okay. By that I mean I don't believe she would've left them if Sarah got out a hand at seeing him or God forbid something bad happened.

With the time that's passing by I feel as if I'm just losing time. I'm losing time and I'm losing my mind just sitting here not doing anything. I look over to Nancy behind the counter and she's just flipping papers. They might not even be important documents. She might just be looking busy to make it look like she's doing her job.

I start picking at my nails and it doesn't help that I never paint them.

Before I start a nasty habit of biting them, I hear footsteps coming from down the hall. I know people have been walking back and forth past me, but I had the feeling that this was Tim and I was right.

I jump out of my seat and speed to him.

"Hey." I smile wide trying to hide my worry.

He gives me a kiss and wraps his arms around my waist. "Hey baby."

Really? He has to make me ask. "Well, what did she say?"

When he looks down at me, he smiles. It's a genuine smile and I can't help but be surprised at this. "She's happy for us. She's happy in general. Melissa, I swear I can't remember the last time I saw her this happy. She's truly happy."

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