Chapter 60

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Melissa's POV:

Everything happened so fast.

I was nervous and stressed one second. The next, I was kissing my fiancé like nothing had ever happened. As if the day before never happened.

I don't know whether people will see that as a good thing or a bad thing, but I don't care. Getting married or not getting married; I'm not doing one or the other to please other people.

I'm here for him and for me. I'm marrying him and he's marrying me. Not the whole world.

I wasn't thinking about anything else when he walked into my office. The man that came into my office was the one that I fell in love with. He was sticking up for himself. He was sticking up for our relationship and our future together. He was so sexy in that moment I couldn't help myself. That was the man that made me forget everything from the first time I met him.

It was like my heart wasn't giving me another choice, but to fall into his arms all over again.

How couldn't I when he was saying all those beautiful things? He wasn't asking me to forget or forgive him. He was just asking me to come back to him. Of course, now that we're here I do forgive him. I want to forget as much as possible but that's going to take time. With the way he was talking I know he understands that.

My favorite moment of it all was when we were done having our moment, we cleaned and dressed appropriately. Ziva walked in at the right time and said, "I guess you'll be going home then."

It was funny to all of us. Ziva was happy to see us together even though it was only one night apart.

We've been apart for longer, but marriage means never being apart again. That's what I'm ready for.

We all left at the same time and I thanked Ziva for everything. Also, she told me that she's not going straight home, but I could pick up the car whenever I wanted.

Tim and I decided that now would be best just to get it over with

"You're going to come back right?" He asked as he parked in front of her place.

"Yes." I kissed him on the lips.

As my eyes were closed, he reached down to my feet and grabbed the overnight bag I brought to Ziva's and to work.

"I'm going to take this just in case." As if I would ever leave him again.

When I got out of his car, I could not wait to get home to him. He even waited for me to start my car so he could start driving and I would be right behind him the whole way. It wasn't because he thought I couldn't get home but because he wanted to make sure I would end up home.

When I park the car behind his outside of our apartment, he rushed to turn off his car and opened the door so he could run over to my car and open the door for me. I couldn't help but laugh as hard as I could because I thought it was so funny.

All I thought was that we were acting like lunatics. We're acting like people out of a movie that have known nothing, but love and we can't survive without it. Basically, what I'm trying to say was we looked like idiots.

We are now on the couch in the living room just laying down enjoying each other's company. We enjoy each other's company by making out and not stopping.

I interrupt our moment by laughing.

"What?" He chuckles.

I cover my face. "Oh my God. I can't believe I stormed out of here." I remember last night and to be honest with myself, it wasn't one of my finer moments.

He shakes his head. "Yeah, that happened."

"I really threw Abby out by her hair huh?"

He smirks. "Yeah, but it was so sexy." He leans in to start kissing my neck. "And I don't want to talk about her." Neither do I.

He starts sucking on my neck and I melt into his arms. I enjoy his touch for a moment or two, or a little longer than I would like to admit, but he has to stop before he leaves a mark.

"Tim." I say his name, so he'll stop, not because he's making me feel good, even though he is.

"Tim." I wine.


"You need to stop or you're going to leave a hickey."

"That's the idea baby."

"But then I'll have a hickey all day when I get my dress with Ziva and Jack."

He pushes himself away from me. "What?"

I giggle. "Yeah," I say as I continue to lay down. "I made the plans with them when Jack and I were visiting Roger the other day."

He's caught off by this. I didn't know if I should bring it up because of what happened, but if I didn't now, when?

"I told Ziva I wasn't sure if it was going to happen, but I mean I think it is. Am I wrong to think that?"

"No! No, no, no." He grabs my hand and lays down with me. "I want this to happen. I want us to happen. I don't care what other people think. That we're moving too fast or that we're just fools. I want this to happen and I'm so glad we're keeping the date."

He leans down and presses his lips to mine.

I relax into his touch. We're moving on like we were before. I know that I have him and he has me. We're proving it to each other now.

"I hate to ruin the moment." He pulls away from me. "But you'll be shopping with a bite on your neck."

My eyes widen and I push him off me. "You're kidding."

I run to the bathroom and see the darkest purple mark on my neck.


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