Chapter 77

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(Hey loves! I know quarantine is still suffocating everyone. Though, if you are looking for something new to watch on Netflix or something where you can get shows, ZOO is great so far, and is on Netflix. It's SYFY and I'm only on episode 4 but I immediately click next episode every time it's so good. I know watching shows all day makes you feel like you're fading away but it's what I'm doing right now, so I'm fading away with you! Be safe and happy reading! PS the whole thing is on Netflix already. Only 3 seasons!)

Melissa's POV:

"Tony, thank you for everything. I can clearly tell he had the time of his life last night. I haven't seen him that happy in a long time."

"Oh, please Peters." He wraps his arms around me in a hug. "He's engaged to you. It's all because of you." He gives me a kiss on the cheek. I go over to Tim and Ziva and we're ready to leave now.

We said our goodbyes and I was able to drive us home, because Ziva pointed out yesterday about how we would get home if we had to stay over. Thankfully she made the call for me to get my car and follow her back to her place.

I look over to the passenger seat from time and time and see Tim fighting to keep his eyes opened. He had a long night last night. A long but eventful night. I believe Tony did all of that for him. It warms my heart how close those two are even though you wouldn't think so if you were watching them work together.

We get back to our practically empty apartment, and Tim doesn't miss a beat.

"Alright, so what did you want to talk to me about?" I can tell he's not fighting to stay awake now.

"Wow. We walked in here about five seconds ago."

He comes to me and wraps his arms around my waist. "Well, I'm assuming it's about the wedding and that happens to be very important to me."

I smile and peck him on the lips. It's important to me too and he knows that. I'm just nervous about bringing up this subject because of the outcomes we've had before.

I grab his hand to take him to the kitchen table because it's the only place besides the bed we have to sit. For now.

We take a seat and I continue to hold his hand. I'm just hoping he hears me out on the matter.

"Baby, you've never taken this long to tell me something."

He knows that's a lie. He just wants me to spit it out. "Sorry. I just don't know how to bring it up."

He shrugs. "Just blurt it out."

"I want to invite James to the wedding." His smile fades and his shoulders fall. He's the one that told e to blurt it out. I can't take that back and it helped me at least.



"Melissa, are you forgetting what he did to you?" He's getting upset. He isn't holding my hand anymore.

"I remember but it was only so I would go away because he didn't want me to see him like that again. I didn't even want to see him like that again."

He scuffs. "How do you know that?"

"He told Gibbs."

Once he hears my answer, he goes from judgement to curious. "What do you mean? They've been in contact?"

I explain to Tim the phone call I had with Gibbs while I was out dress shopping. I tell him I couldn't see him like that again, so I asked Gibbs to go to him.

"He told me that James sobered up and he and Fornell helped clean up. James listened to Gibbs, who broke the news to me about my adoption."

Once I say that Tim is finally seeing where I'm coming from. I can tell by the way he isn't talking back or making anymore judgements.

"Then, I'm going with you."

"No." I shake my head. "Not this time."

He now thinks that I'm delusional. "Are you crazy? We have a wedding and my bride sort of has to be there."

"And I will be." I grab his hands again and hold them tight enough to stay in my grasp. "He's sober."


"Yes," I say sternly. "again, and if you're there with me then, he'll get defensive right off the bat."

He continues to think but isn't holding back some of his thoughts out loud. "The first thing I said to him when you were moving out is that we would have him over for dinner and we didn't."

"Tim, you do remember what our jobs are like right?"

"No, Melissa. I'm saying I probably wouldn't even invite him to our new place. How do you expect me to just let you go over there and talk to him by yourself?"

"I don't expect you to do anything, but say you love me because I'm leaving now."

I can see his expression out of the corner of my eye when I get up from the table.

"You're going there now? Did you have this planned?"

I turn around and he's right behind me. "Only since last night." I had the idea to invite him ever since the phone call with Gibbs. I just didn't think about seeing him until last night when I was drunk with Ziva.

"He was still there with me. He never left. Yes, mentally but he was there, and he got better. We formed more of a relationship than I ever thought we would have."

Ziva made herself comfortable on the couch next to me. "If you want to invite him, do it. The ball is then in his court after that. He decides whether to show up or not."

I didn't full her in on the part about James relapsing. I just took advice to heart and now I'm here with Tim.

I look at Tim, and I can tell he still doesn't want this to happen.

"I understand you don't want him there, but if you could want that for me. I would appreciate it."

He smacks his lips and comes to me. He wraps me in his arms, and then lifts my chin to kiss him.

I know we don't see eye to eye right now, but I can't help but melt into his arms.

When he pulls away from me, I can by the way he's staring at me that he can see where I'm coming from.

"Just don't come back too late. I don't want another night away from you."

It's Happening: NCISTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang