Chapter 24

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Tim's POV:

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Tim's POV:

"Do you guys know where boss man is?"

"Tony, we walked in here with you. None of us have seen him."

Tony gets like this when all he wants to do is work. He has days when he's fine with doing nothing, and others when he would investigate a stolen candy bar from the corner store.

We all get bored, but there's nothing we can do but wait.

"McGee?" I turn my attention to Ziva. "Just out of curiosity, did you ever tell Melissa about the other day in the bathroom?"

"Because that doesn't sound creepy at all."

Ziva rolls her eyes at his remark.

"No." I inform her. "I didn't. Especially because we thought we were going to tell you both the wedding news that day."

Yes, that was kind of a dig at the both of them. I think they know that they deserve it. She seems more relaxed than before, though. "Okay. I was just wondering because I was just letting the tension get to my head."

"Yeah, but you heard McSmartyPants. If boss man isn't giving him a hard time, then why would he do it to us." He shoves a piece of gum in his mouth. "The tension was all in your head."

"Oh, as if you weren't worrying about it."

I do understand where their frustration was coming from, but it was just unnecessary. They should've known if Gibbs wasn't giving me a hard time at all, then he wasn't going to project it onto them. Yes, him and Melissa at the moment are going through some things that none of us can ever imagine, but we have to let them go through it on their own. It's hard enough that I have to sit on the sidelines while my girl has to fight this battle by herself, but I don't have a choice. This is her past and her future that she has to worry about. Of course, I want to be there for the future part but it's her decision whether she wants him or James a part of our future. It's completely out of my hands.

"Don't worry guys. I have a feeling this will blow over pretty soon."

I hope so because Melissa told me she had a plan in motion. I just don't know what it is. She doesn't want to drag me into it as more as I'm already in it but that's what happens when you're in a serious relationship. We are engaged; whatever happens to her it happens to me too. I just have to respect that this is her plan and until she calls me into play then I'm sitting next to the water boy. Let's be real I probably am the water boy.

After they both look reassured that I know what I'm talking about, I see Gibbs walk past our section with someone following closely behind him.

Ziva and Tony see this too and don't know what to make of it.

Melissa is following Gibbs and looks over at us for a second.

Are they talking now? If so, where is he taking her?

"McGee?" Tony asks.

"I have no idea."

We slowly rise to see them both stop at the wall of The Fallen.

Ziva joins us. "What are they doing over there?"

If I don't know there's no way that they know. The only one who I would assume to know is Abby and she isn't here. Good, because if she was I would probably start another scene.

We stare at them as they continue to talk. I can tell they're looking at the picture of Jenny, but why?

Melissa doesn't look like she wants to run for the hills so I'm going to take that as a good sign. They look like they're having a normal conversation and I couldn't be happier. She told me that she had a plan in motion, and she meant it. This could be all over soon.

I continue to stare at them along with the others and I figure it's a little freaky. That's until I see Gibbs point at Jenny's eyes and looks into Melissa's.

"Holy shit." I manage to say. There's no way I just put those pieces together.

There's no way.

"No." I hear Tony say besides me.

"It can't be."

It has to be. I can see that Melissa's smiling in a way that she finally got her answers.

Jenny's her biological mother.

We wait a moment. This couldn't be true. We all thought the secrets of people working here being related to her was over. This had to be the last piece of the puzzle. This is why Gibbs didn't want us digging in her or his pasts. He knew this the entire time. Even when she was working here a couple years back, they both knew they had a daughter out there. Why is he bringing this is her attention now?

We're still staring at them like the weirdos we are. We all frek when Melissa turns around to look at us.

"She knows." Tony says.

"No." Ziva steps in front of him. "We're not doing this again, Tony. It was never your fault. Not then and not now."

I remember when it happened. The team got split up after the fact and Tony went quiet for so long. He also went out to sea and I didn't hear from him much. I know that he took her death pretty hard because of the circumstances that happened. I didn't get to go with them. I can't say I'm jealous that they were there. I'm just sad because I never got to say goodbye.

When we turn back to Gibbs and Melissa, we see that they're heading for the elevator. I don't know where they're going but I have a strong feeling that they're not going to be back for a while.

"Excuse me." Tony says as he makes his way to the bathroom to be alone. Normally people would chase after their friends after seeing something like that and knowing how the person is feeling. Those people never met Tony. When he wants to be alone, he needs to be alone for everyone's sake.

"You don't think he's going to blame himself again, do you?"

I know that Ziva is smarter than this. "He already has."

Ziva sighs at my response and goes back to her desk.

We just have to wait to see what comes of today, and if Tony will ever come out of the bathroom.

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