Chapter 67

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(Hey guys. I just wanted to check in and hope that everyone is being safe. I care about you guys and would hate to hear if anything happened to you. I hope you guys are also keeping busy in your households. I've been writing, playing gin with my mom, a puzzle, and reading a bit. I know it can get boring, but do things that you wouldn't normally do or wouldn't have time for. It's what I told myself. Before I get back to being busy and not having time for thing that make me happy, let me do them now so I don't look back and regret not doing it. Also, it involves movies. I have many lists of movies on different platforms and now seems the time to be doing so. Please be safe guys. I love you.)

Melissa's POV:

On the way home from work, Tim stopped by Home Depot to get some boxes and industrial tape. Since he paid for the house already, he wants to get in there as soon as possible.

After we asked Ducky to marry us and I'm ecstatic about the outcome, he called our landlord to tell him we should be out in the next week.

"Week?" I asked when he finished his conversation.

"Yeah, baby. What do we have to move? You and I were never into material things. I bet there's even a few things we won't have to pack. We'll just have to toss it."

I thought it was ridiculous at first. Then, when I thought about what he said, it made sense. We really don't have a lot. He used to have stacks of books and papers on his bookshelf, but when I moved back in with him, they were gone.

"Just think," He took my arm to wrap his arm around me. "next week we'll be in our home. Our house, with our yard. Our everything."

I stopped walking with him and had to kiss him right there in the hallway.

"What was that for?"

"Our future."

"Are you doing alright in there, babe?" Tim is taking care of the living room because he has way more stuff in there than I do. His stuff is also heavier, so he doesn't have a choice but to take care of that if he wants it moved.

I hate industrial tape. It doesn't tear easily, and it doesn't easily tear away from itself.

"You know if I would have known we would have been moving so soon. I would have kept the few boxes we had from when I moved in!" I shout from our room.

"Come on baby don't worry about that."

I'm not worry about it. I'm just saying it would have saved some time and a little but, of money.

I look around our room and notice this isn't what I should be focusing on right now. The only things I have in this room are clothes, shoes, and my laptop. I can't pack all my clothes because I'm going to need most of them if we move out by next week. What if we don't and it takes longer? Then, I have to tear through this stupid tape again.

I should just focus on the kitchen. I have more stuff in there. I'm sweating from one box anyway. If I have to do this for the next week then we are definitely doing take out every night.

I try to gather all my energy to get up off the floor and tell Tim the news about my hiatus from the kitchen.

When I get to the living room and grab another box, I see Tim just stand in at the door, facing the inside of the apartment.

"Hey," I say can catch his attention. "are you okay?"

He looks at me and his glare turns into a smile. He reaches out his hand to me. "Come here."

I take my time to wipe the sweat from my forehead, but I go to him and he meets me halfway. He guides me to the couch and has me sit on his lap.

I would oppose with it being so hot, but I changed into a tank top and shorts. He did the same but is wearing jeans on the bottom.

"You want to know something?" I wrap my hand around his neck and get more comfortable. "I never thought I would get out of here."

I cock my head. "What do you mean?"

"I just mean I never thought this would happen. I never thought I would meet the love of my life. I thought that I would be in this apartment by myself forever because, well, who needs a big place if it's only one person."

That breaks my heart. He never thought someone would want to marry him, let alone live with him. I didn't think that for me, but we had different upbringings.

"I planned for this," He gestures to his apartment, and then softly rest his hand on my cheek. "Before I ever planned for this."

All he does is look me in my eyes and I go weak. My heart is with him and he knows that. I wouldn't be doing any of this if I wasn't.

He kisses me on the nose. "Buy hey, are you excited?"

I giggle. "I feel like I'm dreaming."

"It's real baby." He leans back on the couch and takes me with him.

"No, Tim I was about to start on the kitchen."

He grabs my face and presses his lips to mine. "Let's just be here for a minute, huh? Let's take a break."

It's hard to say no to him when I fit perfectly into his arms.

I rest my body on his and relax for a second. "So, are we telling anyone about the house yet?"

He sighs. "How about you plan something?"

I raise my eyebrow. "Me?"

"Hell yeah. Are you kidding? You're amazing at planning these announcement things."

I think of everything that I've had to announce before. I wouldn't say they all went well, but not all of them had gone bad.

"All I know is that for the next week, I'm not cooking a damn thing."

I hear him chuckle in my ear and forces me to face him. "Okay, baby." He presses his lips to mine, and I melt in his arms. He brings me closer to him and sneaks his tongue in my mouth.

He starts to lift my shirts and rest his hands on my stomach, but I push away. "No, no, no."

"What? You don't want to celebrate all of this." He whispers to me and starts kissing my neck.

I take his arms and I pin them back while I straddle him. "No, I've just decided the next time," I kiss him. "You get to touch me." I kiss his neck. "And I touch you." I kiss his cheek. "IS going to be in our new bed, in our new house, after our wedding."

I kiss him on the lips harder than usual and then run off of him as fast as possible.

"Wait, really?"

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