Chapter 63

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Tim's POV:

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Tim's POV:

"McGee, when you come out of there you need to strut and do a spin for me baby!" Tony shouts.

I can hear him snickering with Palmer behind the curtain. Palmer was added to the plans a little late but was more than happy to join me and Tony. We decided before Tony came to pick me up. I decided since he's invited to the bachelor party, why can't he join us here?

I enjoy Palmers company, even when he's laughing at my suspense.

"Forget it Tony." I answer back finally.

"Darling," He starts to speak in a French accent just to really get on my nerves. "if you want to be a model, you have to have the attitude of a model."

"Hey, have you even tried your suit on yet, best man?"

"I did sir!" He says so smug. "I got it on quickly because I'm used to wearing these, unlike some people."

"Listen DiNozzo, I've been wearing scrubs for my whole career. What do you expect?"

Tony could have been talking to me. By the sound of it, Palmer might have needed some help with his tux. I'm going to need help from him as well.

The cuff link parts I'm usually able to get, with my father being the way that he was. The times I wouldn't be able to get it, I would put on an entirely different suit and for some reason I could get those to work. My father didn't ever care what suit it was, as long as it looked proper for a 12-year-old.

I push the curtain back and walk out to see Tony and Palmer with their jaws on the floor.

"Looking sharp McGee." Palmer says.

"Yeah, you clean up nice. Stand up on the stand, come on." He gestures to the circle in the middle of the dressing room.

I want to object but I don't think I'm going to get anywhere with that. I force myself up on the stand and Palmer shakes his head. He supports anything we do, even if we look like a mess. I know I don't look 100% right yet, but Palmer doesn't care as long as there's a smile on my face.

"Do a spin."

I squint my eyes at Tony, but he doesn't care. I spin around just to entertain him.

Tony starts to fan himself and pretends to start crying. "It's just they grow up so fast." He "cries" into Palmers shoulder, and we all start to laugh.

"Whatever." I don't think anybody could be Tony's friend and not at least think his jokes are funny.

"Melissa's going to love it McGee." I hope so. If anyone is going to like the suit, I hope it's her.

"But come here young grasshopper. You have some adjustments that need to be done." Instead of me going to him, he joins me on the stand. I look at Palmer and he starts getting distracted by the ties this place has.

Tony starts at my collar that needs straightening out. "So, speaking of Melissa," He starts to whisper. "I'm assuming everything is okay?"

"Even better." I inform him. It will be even better when all the surprises our out on the table for our future.

He smirks and pats me on the shoulder. He moves down to my tie that's all crooked. "If this isn't more motivation for me to show on time to the wedding."

"The last thing I would need is for my best man to be drunk during the ceremony."

"You're assuming I would not continue to be drunk from the bachelor party!" Palmer comes over to give Tony a high five.

"Excuse me." I intervene. "Palmer I know you don't know this, but Melissa and I decided our parties would be on different nights, and especially not he night before the wedding."

"I know. I was just saying that to bring it up." He claps. "Alright fellas be ready because Friday is the day. Everything is planned and in place boys. We're going to drink. We're going to play. We're also going to see if you know what I mean."


"Ah-ah-ah." He puts his finger up and starts prancing around the room. "I recall your soon to be wife giving me the okay on the subject of strippers. Palmer, you, me, and Jack will have a blast if he won't."

Yes, I remember Melissa giving him the go ahead. Also, I remember that I did give the okay after as well.

He's in for a treat if he thinks Jack is going to enjoy any of that. That isn't my business to tell though.

"Groom, what do you say?" Tony is pointing at me and Palmer is waiting for my answer as well.

"Friday it is."

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