Chapter 75

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Tim's POV:

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Tim's POV:

The four of us cheer as Jack takes another shot from shot roulette. We can tell by the faces he's been making that he's new to this as well.

"I did it! I mean I think I did it."

Jimmy pats him on the back as he takes a seat. "Yeah, you did it buddy."

Jimmy comes back around the pool table that Tony pulled out from somewhere in the back of this place. Everything hear is brand new. The table, balls, cue, and everything that this place is decorated with.

I know he needs this place as something else for him to do, but the food, alcohol, Star Wars, and Star Trek things he did for me from the bottom of his heart. I know it.

We continue to play pool as Tony comes back with a water for Jack. "So, Probie, are you ready for the big day or what?"

"More than ever." I say as I sink the 8 ball on accident.

"Clearly, not ready to place any bets on pool." Jimmy adds in, but I let it happen. This is what were supposed to do anyway. I think.

"Oh, yeah? What about you Palmer? When are you going to pop the question to Heather?"

"Are you going to pop the question to her at all?" Tony asks. Only he can be so pessimistic about this. I'm not surprised.

"I would love to." He says racking up the balls. "I just want to do it when Heathers mind isn't all over the place?"

"You mean focused on the business?" Tony hands me another shot. I take it because I don't know the next time, I'm going to do this. Maybe for Palmer or Tony's bachelor party. I know his bachelor party isn't going to look like this. He might be so picky he'll plan the whole thing on his own.

"Yeah, her mind is occupied."

"Don't worry Palmer. She'll do great and once she does, she won't have a one-track mind anymore." I reassure him. I make a faced because I can still taste the vodka on my tongue. I want another one anyway. Tony takes another one with me.

"Yeah!" Jack says from his seat. He's definitely getting a ride home. With the way I can barely hold the pool cue, I know I'm going to need one too."

"So, when did you know McGee?"

I look up at Palmer and don't focus on the balls anymore. "When did you know that you loved her?"

I think back from the first time I met her. We were out on the field and I saw someone standing a far with everyone else. I was busy taking pictures until I was called over to her and that's when I saw her.

It was out of story book when I saw her standing there. The sun was shining right on her. Her green eyes were powerful that I felt like I was in a trance when I looked into them. I saw her hair and it was long and beautiful. I didn't know what to say to her because her beauty was taking over everything.

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