Chapter 102

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Melissa's POV:

Our honeymoon is coming to an end and it's very bittersweet. As much as our lives are going to be like this forever, I miss seeing our NCIS family, and as much as I miss them, I don't necessarily want to go back to work. It's not completely true.

What I'm trying to say is that I love being in my little word with my husband. This is what we've fought for during the majority of our relationship. We finally got it and I don't know how to act. This is the man of my dreams and everything has sunk in during these past few days on our honeymoon. We're away from the world and it's perfect.

This morning was like any other morning at the hotel. We ordered room service even though it feels weird. Just like I wasn't a full meal person before Tim, we both never really were breakfast people. We tried to get into the habit of eating one while being here, but we both know when we get back to work, coffee, and maybe a muffin is all we're going to have time for.

We can only stay locked in our rooms for only a few hours of the day. We already had two days when we spent the whole day... being passionate.

"This looks familiar." I say as I walk beside Tim. He told me to get dress and wear whatever I want. Now, he's the one with a surprise for me.

He's taking me somewhere local. It has to be because we've walked past three entrances to the subway, and we're still walking. I don't mind it because there are so many beautiful things to see that we didn't see the other day with Sarah.

I can't believe I pulled the surprise off. I didn't think it would work. I thought that maybe she would back out and have to work, or he would have found out that I was texting her while sending thank you texts to everyone the other day. I really didn't think the whole thing stood a chance, but we both did it.

It was amazing seeing her at her job and when they needed help, she offered it. I love seeing this Sarah. I can tell she's thriving and living her best life.

He pulls me close to him to give me a kiss on the cheek. "Don't worry. We're almost there. Do you really not remember where we are?"

I shrug. "I've had too much on my mind that I haven't been paying close attention I guess."

"As long as I'm somewhere in there I'm okay with that."

I shake my head at him and continue to follow his lead. He starts to pick up the pace, and I'm assuming that means we're almost to our destination.

We turn a corner, and I can see that Tim's smiling more than before. I try to look for clues to tell me where we are, and that's when I see it.

"Rock 'N' Shots."

"There's no way."

"I have a few surprises up my sleeves too."

Now, I'm the one running and dragging him with me. This is where we went and it wasn't crowded because the traffic this place gets is at night usually, considering it's a club. They are opened during the day though because they still make some money during it.

I run in and it all looks the same. The stage is where it should be, and there's instruments but no musicians on stage. I look at the bar and maybe it's just my imagination, but it looks fuller than the last time.

"Hey, how are you guy?" The bartender greets us.

"Great." I tell him.

"Go get us a table." Tim tells me as he stays at the bar.

I go pick the table that we sat at last time for the memories. It feels great being here. I always thought this place was beautiful. It reminds me of the woman that works at the Shop of Thrift. She's the reason I came here. She thought I would love it and it's where she met her husband. I remember all of that, but I don't remember her name.

Tim comes back with two beers for us. "I can't believe you had no idea that this is where we were going."

"I completely blanked. I didn't think this was on the table for us, but I'm glad you brought us here." I scoot closer to him and kiss him on the cheek. "Thank you."

He smiles. "So, did you enjoy our honeymoon."

I hate that it's ending. I am glad we get to go to our house and start working on making it ours though. I can't wait to see the others too. I didn't think I would miss them as much as I have. Of course, when I get Tim's body close to mine, I'm not thinking about anyone else.

"I loved it, Tim."

He leans in and kisses me. "I'm almost sorry we have to go back, but then I remember, this time we live together. I don't have to drop you off anywhere. I get to have you all to myself."

"How about you? Did you enjoy-" He interrupts me with a kiss.

"I had a great time." He turns to the stage. "I would have an even greater time if the band was here like last time and you could go and sing on the stage again."

I look around the restaurant. "Please tell me that they rent hiding somewhere and that's part of the surprise."

He laughs and pulls me close to him again. "No, that isn't part of the surprise. I just thought that was the cutest I ever saw you on the stage."

"Well, my stage days are over." I look him in the eyes, and he smiles back at me. "I'm just happy I finally got my happy ending."

He leans down to kiss me again. "Except this isn't the ending. This is just the beginning for us. Our new life, this is the beginning. I won't let anyone, or anything take this away from us. They'll have to go through me before they do anything."

"Well, they'll have to go through me too. For better or for worse, right?"

He smirks. "Always and forever."

I snuggle up next to him and drink the beer. "Did you ever want to have that talk?"

"What talk?"

I have to sit up next to him. "About growing our family."

His mouth falls as I remind him, he's the one that brought this subject up not too long ago.

"Oh, well yeah I remember wanting to talk about it."

"Did you change your mind?"

He scuffs and moves the hair out of my face to look me in the eyes. "I didn't change my mind. W-what I mean is that I still want to have this conversation. I just haven't changed my mind on waiting. Let's have it be us for a while and then we can talk about adding another person to this family."

I don't say anything. I just smirk and chug my drink. He watches in awe as I place the bottle on the table. "Well, if we aren't going to do anything about it yet, do you want to practice?"

I leave him speechless again. He follow my lead and chugs his beer. "Let's go baby."

We get back to the hotel, that we're so familiar with and he slammed me on the bed when we got in here.

He did what he always does and kisses my body from top to bottom. He even flipped me over to kiss me from my neck to my back. I couldn't say anything, all I could do was moan.

Now he's on his knees and has me on the edge of the bed. He's kissing my stomach and I start rocking my body. I want him and he knows it.

"I know our honeymoon is coming to an end." He says as he continues to tease me. "But that doesn't mean you don't get your happy ending at least four times before we leave tomorrow."

And just like that my back arches, and we're both awake for the rest of the night.

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