Chapter 26

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Tim's POV:

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Tim's POV:

"Tony?" I call his name as if I don't know he's in the only occupied stall.

"Come on, Tony." Ziva says after me. She's been in this bathroom many times, for this to be weird. I would love for someone to try and kick her out.

Tony has been in the bathroom for almost a full hour. I know I said I wouldn't go after him, but this has gone on long enough.

Tony beat himself up for months about this whole Jenny thing. It really wasn't his fault. I'm not saying it was hers either, but she didn't even want them around her. She didn't want them to get hurt so she didn't tell them where she was going or what she was doing, and especially who she was seeing. We all just had to figure it out after the incident.

I didn't even get to hear the full story from Ziva and Tony when they got back because it was too soon to talk about it. Abby and I had to sit aside and see all the pieces be put together without having our friends mentally there with us because of what just happened to them.

She was a big part of this team in the company. She was important to all of us but only two agents were with her at the time and it was them. What also didn't help is that Vance became head director and split us all up after the tragedy. I know he only had good intentions for it but after something like that happens you don't tear a family apart from each other.

When Ziva finally came back before Tony did, I asked her about what happened. She told me that she was suspicious about the director not picking up her phone and the murder of a young woman, who was linked to Jenny. When she said that she wanted to follow her, I asked what Tony did. I knew when she paused to take more than a minute to answer that he didn't have the same plan as she did. I knew she was going to cover for him though. That's what she does. It's what we all do for each other.

After another minute of him not responding to us I'm starting to get annoyed. I mean it when I say it wasn't his fault because Jenny was scary. Rest her soul, but I mean it when I say that. When she wanted something done it was either her way or no way and her way then was doing it alone. She did not ask to get gunned down; she did not ask for any of this to happen. It's just that I know if she was here now, she would tell Tony to suck it up because it's not his fault. And yes, I do believe she would word it like that.

I decide to not call his name again, but to kick the door open myself. When the lock is broken, the door swings opened and reveals a terrified Tony sitting on the toilet. Clothed.

"What the hell Probie!" He stands up and straightens out his suit. "Could have took my head off with that thing."

"Then, maybe I would have knocked some sense into you."

I pull him out of the stall as Ziva stands by me, surprised.

"What is your problem?"

"My problem is that you're blaming yourself again for something that was never your fault."

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