Chapter 72

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(Say it while you can.)

Melissa's POV:

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Melissa's POV:

"Come on, now how hard could this be?" Ziva is on the phone with a caterer she knows and loves the taste of their food. I told Tim I would take care of the food part, the cake and everything. Which was fine with him, but Tony vey much wanted to be in charge of that department.

We're hanging out at her place for today. I didn't want her to see our almost empty apartment and put the pieces together on what's going on.

Tim told me to take care of the surprise of our new home to our friends and family, and I'm taking care of it.

"Okay, thank you." She looks annoyed because the place is under a new owner, but the head chef is the same.

I'm sitting on her couch flipping through the channels on her TV. There's absolutely nothing on. Not that I should be focusing on that right now. I should be making more wedding plans, but there's nothing else to do. After this, we're going to be all set. This is really happening.

Ziva leans over to me and whispers, "How many people are going to be there?"

I have to make yet another list in my head.

1. Me

2. Tim

3. Ziva

4. Tony

5. Jack

6. Jimmy

7. Ducky

8. Gibbs

9. Abby

Now, this is where it gets tricky.

I don't know if the rehab is going to let Sarah out for the wedding. Tim hasn't mentioned his father's whereabouts. Speaking of fathers, I haven't heard from mine. I haven't even heard from Gibbs either about the James situation.


I don't know what to tell her. I might as well play it safe. "Say 14 just in case." It might be 13 but what if someone shows up with a heavy appetite. I rather be safe than sorry.

Speaking of being sorry, I want to call Gibbs. I want to know if he's done anything about James yet. I refuse to go over there if he's still drinking. It brings up memories which I can't bear to have, especially at this time.

"14 guests. Why do I have to be on hold again?"

I tap her on the shoulder. "I'm going to make a quick call."

She shakes her head and pretends to shoot herself with her hand. "Yes, I'm still here!"

I wander into the only room I know and sit on the bed. I trust Ziva knows what everyone wants, and what me and Tim would want. We all know good food when we see it.

Right now, I want to focus on my dad's. That was a phrase I didn't think I would ever say.


"Gibbs, hey. How are you?"

"I'm just finishing up some work. What can I do for you?"

I'm about to answer, but he speaks over me. "Oh, this must be about James."

"Y-yeah, I was just wondering if you spoke to him or not."

"Yes, I did, actually Fornell and I went to see him together.

Oh crap.

"Hold on." I cover the end of my phone. "Ziva, make that 15!" I forgot I invited Fornell. I actually remember him in my childhood and that says a lot, and he is my godfather.

Speaking of my childhood, I remember Sean. I miss him. He's still in the witness protection program along with... along with... oh my. How long has it been? Why can't I remember his name? Adam, yes. Oh, wow. It really must have been a long time.

"Okay!" Ziva responds to me. I will when they pick up the phone again!" I feel like this reception is doing more harm than good.

"Doing some last-minute wedding arrangements?" Last minute is right.

"Yeah. I just need to know who's coming, and then I thought of James."

"I worked with him Melissa." Worked with him? He's an AA counselor, now? "It wasn't easy, but we got him to listen to us and to have a handle on him. Also, we cleaned the place up. There's no alcohol in sight."

Really? It took Gibbs and Fornell to get him sober again and not me? "Was he angry?"

"At himself. He wasn't a fan of me either considering the circumstances."

The circumstances of Gibbs telling me he's m real father. Believe me, I remember.

"He mentioned you." My heart drops to my stomach. "He couldn't believe that he did that to you again. He promised he would never do that to you again. He knew he let you down and thought getting you out of the house would be easier than anything else."

He didn't get me out of the house. It was Tim. He came in and saved me. I didn't want to see it like that before but it's true. He didn't shoot at James, and I know that. It's why I let it go.

"What does this mean?"

I can hear him sigh on his side of the phone. "It means you can walk in there, and I can assure you there will be no alcohol in his house, or in his system."

I feel like I could cry. I never got the confirmation or had the proud feeling when James went sober the first time. I got it for the first time, and his second time. Somehow, I still feel as if I'm joining him in hs first breakthrough. Even though it wasn't me. It was all Gibbs and my godfather.

"Thank you, Gibbs."

"I'll see you tomorrow kid." He hangs up the phone and I can barely think straight. This is amazing news; I just don't know what to do with it.

I walk back out to Ziva is finally hanging up the phone. "Alright, I got the food, and I might have just also caught a case."

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