Chapter 104

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(Fun fact: I wrote a part of this chapter while I was drunk. Man, it was fun.)

Melissa's POV:

"Wait, Mel slow down."

I came into my office and Jack jumped up from the couch to hug me. I hugged him back, and the second he stepped back to look at me, he could see something was wrong.

I told him everything. I told him how Sean got called in here and before that I didn't see him since I was eight. I told him how we hid them here and Adam made it seem like it was better than his home with his mother. I told him how Sean was hiding away in the home of Terry, the mother of the victim, because she thought he was the only boy with a head on his shoulders.

I told him how Ziva and I didn't come to work for months and only had each other and the walls to stare at. Basically, I shouldn't go on.

I told him everything and now I'm catching him up on what just happened in Abby's lab. I've been pacing the entire time.

"It's just I know these guys and I know the area. I should be back out there with them if anything happens."

"Okay, down girl." Jack comes over to me and places his hands on my shoulders to make me relax. He guides me to the couch, and I sit with him. "Mel, I don't mean to rain on your aggressive parade, but you just got back from your honeymoon and are now happily married. Why don't you take one thing at a time?"

"Even after everything I just told you Jack, you don't know them. For your sake, I didn't mention the shootout we had."

"The what now?"

"Ziva and I came out of hibernation and went out as decoys to see if anything would happen. One of them approached us and Sean scared him away." I remember what is was like watching him in action. He was so brave. I couldn't believe my friend did that.

I snap out of it and return to my story. "Then, guns started firing and Adam got shot in the foot. I hit my elbow pretty bad when Ziva lunged herself on to me. It was bad."

"How bad could it be? They only hit someone in the foot. Sounds to me they have pretty bad aim."

I sit there and take in what he just said. What he just said is my leverage into getting back out there with them. Either that or Gibbs will never let me back in for keeping this from him.


I look at him and try to change my facial expression, so he wouldn't pick anything up, but I've failed.

"Melissa, what is it?"

I sigh and he's the first person I'm telling this to. I can look at this as a practice when I tell Gibbs.

"Melissa what else do you know about them?"

"That they missed us and hit Adam's foot on purpose."

He laughs and shakes his head. "That doesn't make any sense. Why would they let the ones that could incriminate them live?"

"Because they thought it would scare them into coming back. Ziva and I were there and though they are horrible to women, they never kill them. Women and kids are off limits. If they saw that they almost hurt us, they would go back and be on watch for years. They would never be left alone."

"But how do you know they missed on purpose."

"Because they practice all day and all night. They practice being the best of the best. Not only will they get better, but the sounds of the guns scare off officers in our town and gangs just passing through. I would hear the gun shots sometimes at night. They moved positions regularly just be extra safe."

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