Chapter 82

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(This took me so long to write let alone post because ZOO is just that good of a show that I keep getting distracted. Happy reading. )

Melissa's POV:

Drinking wine in our new kitchen was a new change of pace. Tim and I stayed in the kitchen last night and took in the idea that this place is finally ours, I only knew about this place a week ago, but it feels like I've been waiting to move in for months. The time I spent packing boxes probably helped with that.

Sleeping in our new bed last night felt weird, but it was comfortable. I held Tim a little closer last night to feel something familiar.

It was different waking up and seeing a wide-open space. I felt the same feeling when I walked into the bathroom.

Tim wasn't in bed this morning when I woke up. The house is so big that I had no idea that he made coffee for us. When I reached the kitchen, he was all smiles. He handed me my coffee and gave me my good morning kiss.

"Good morning beautiful."

"You seem very chipper this morning."

He wrapped his arms around me. "Why shouldn't I be? Look where we are and look who I'm with." He kissed me on the cheek and then spun me around.

"Damn, if I knew having a new house would put a real kick in your step, I would have suggested it myself." I sipped my coffee as he stayed smiling at me.

Little did I know he was smiling because he wanted to dedicate this day but shopping for decorations and other things for the house. He asked where I wanted to go and the first place, I could think of is Walmart. I've been shopping there my whole life.

Tim didn't hesitate and drank his coffee faster than ever. I barely had time to drink mine.

When we got to Walmart there really wasn't a lot to offer. I went on my phone and notice there was more on the website, which is like every other store. The things that they did have were honestly kind of ugly. Walmart has never let me down, then again, I never had a place that needed decorating.

"Do you want to go to Ikea? They have all the things you can imagine for a house.

"No, that's a far drive. It wouldn't be worth all the sections and people fighting to get in there."

"Maybe we can go to Home Depot and look at door knobs or sinks that you would rather have in the house."

My mouth fell. "Tim, come on. We just moved in yesterday and I frankly I think the house looks great."

We went up and down every aisle and are going to leave here with nothing but food.

"I'm okay if we go home and start drinking early." Sleeping in a new house somehow made me more tired. Even though it was comfortable, I did wake up sporadically during the night, but fell right back asleep.

He shook his head and lead me to checkout.

Now, we're home and this time we were enjoying the wine in our living room. We were on our new couch flipping through channels.

Then, Tim decided to start kissing my neck slowly. I gave in and put the remote down, he started to have me lay down on the couch.

I'm not sure how long we've been kissing, but I don't seem to care. He's moving his hands in all the right places while keeping his lips on mine.

After a while, he comes up for air and just stares down at me. "I'm sorry if I was eager this morning. I just really want this place to feel like home to you."

"Don't apologize. You don't think I remember what you were like when you asked me to move into the apartment?"

All he wanted to do was make me feel comfortable. He went on and on about me feeling like that was my home. I was comfortable the moment I walked into that apartment. Of course, at first, I didn't want to touch anything because it wasn't mine and on top of that I didn't want to break anything either.

I felt comfortable when it became normal for me to sleep there almost every night, and then he asked me to move in. It felt amazing.

"I remember." He chuckles. "I just don't want you to resent me for making a huge decision without you either. I want you to have a part in this as well."

"Resent you? This is the best present anyone has ever given me." I push him off of me so I can sit next to him and look into his eyes. "Tim, this is house is perfect the way it is. I have no idea how you pulled it off, but it's great. But it wouldn't be worth it if you weren't here with me."

He leans over and kisses me on the cheek. "You say that now, but you don't know what Ziva has in store for your bachelorette party."

"Do you?"

"No, but I plan to find out before it even happens."

"You plan to make Ziva do something?"

He thinks for a second. "Yeah, probably not."

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