Chapter 74

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Tim's POV:

It was surprising for Gibbs to let us leave early for the party. I'm not going to lie I'm still stunned that he did that. I know that this is a great time in life, and I know he's aware of that as well. It's just I know Gibbs. I've worked with him for so long. I know how hot and cold he can be and how the change is quick between the two.

I don't want to get too used to this treatment because once we come back from the honeymoon, I have this feeling all of this, including Gibbs feelings towards this, is going to change.

Whatever. I can't think about that right now. Especially because Tony is outside our apartment honking. For once I'm thankful for it. If he came in, he would wonder why our apartment is empty and has a few boxes in it. He's intelligent and would know what's going on immediately.

Yes, I said it. Say what you want about Tony, but he's no dummy.

We just don't want anyone to know yet. Melissa says she has the surprised of our new home covered along with the last detail of the wedding. I'll let her be.

When I get into Tony's car, he's nearly driving off before I can get my full body through the door Tony.

"Damn Tony. The strippers can wait I don't think they're going anywhere."

"Oh, my young naïve McGee. You have no idea what you're in for."

He's only said that all day. I knew it before, and I can feel it now.

"The guys know where to go?"

"Know where to go? They're already there."

Oh, poor Palmer.

Oh no.

Poor Jack.

I promised him we would suffer together through the strippers.

I don't bother talking to Tony for the rest of the drive because I just want to ask about what he has planned, but I know he won't tell me.

We get in front of this building and it looks like a strip club. Run down and dirty on the outside.

There's only two cars outside this place, and I'm assuming that's the guys. I envy them. They know what's inside there and I have yet to know.

I get out of the car to Tony rushing to me with a blind fold.


"Ah-ah. Blind fold bachelor."

I roll my eyes and deal with it. It will keep my mind and eyes clear from seeing something I don't want to see for longer anyway.

I turn around for him to tie the blindfold around me. "Ow!"

"Oh, shut up Probie. This isn't even the worse of it believe me."

Oh, I do.

Once, he thinks he's tied it enough, he moves his hands to my arms and starts to guide me to hell.

Something I didn't think I would say for my bachelor party.

I can't see a thing, but I can hear everything. I can hear him opening the creaky metal door. The hot air of the place rushes to my face and I'm disgusted immediately because I don't want to think where that hot air is coming from. I'm praying it's just the heater kicking in.

"Keep going Probie."

All I can hear now is the sound of our feet hitting the floor. It's quiet in here for a strip club.

"Okay? Are you ready Probie?"

"Probably not."

The blindfold comes off my face, and I can't believe my eyes.

"Surprise!" Jack and Jimmy shout right in front of me.

When I look behind them, there our posters of Star Wars and Star Trek on the walls. On the TV it is showing the first Star Wars episode right from the beginning like it was planned. Knowing Tony, it probably was. I turn around and there's an open bar filled with so much alcohol, we'll all have liver problems by the end of the night. I look to my right and there's a mini arcade with all the best games I could think of.

There's typical bar food, and carbs on each table, even though there's only four of us.

"Tony." I say in awe. "What is all this?"

He smirks. "Do you really think I would throw you a bachelor party you didn't want?"

Palmer comes over to me and hands me a bottle of scotch. "I know we have plenty to go around, but the more the drunker I guess."

"Thank you, Palmer."

Jack follows not far behind him. "I've never been to one of these things, so this is all I could think of."

He hands me a small bag. When I reach in and take it out, it's a box of condoms.

"It's either the perfect gift or a gag gift. You can decide for yourself."

This all brings us to a good laugh. "Thanks Jack. It's perfect." Jack is pleased with my reaction.

Palmer gets distracted by the games and heads over there with Jack. Tony lifts a remote to his hand and starts playing music.

I turn to him with appreciation. "Tony, this looks amazing. What happened to that place with the pool, and the strippers, and more beer?"

He chuckles. "Come on, Tim." He says my name. "I knew that all of that wasn't your scene. Remember your I'm your best man for a reason."

I know he is. I should have had more faith even though he kept telling me there would be strippers.

I know that. "Thanks Tony."

"This place may be a strip club, or something one day. I bought it."

"You what?"

"I need an outlet McGee. I need something else to live for to get me out of bed in the morning. I just have to figure out what that is."

I look at him and see the drive in his eyes. I believe in him. I know that whatever he wants to make of this place, he will do it.

He pats me on the back. "Come on, I need a drink if I'm going to watch Palmer not understand the meaning of Pac Man."

Melissa's POV:

"Wait are you serious?" Ziva asks as she pours me another glass of wine. "What happened? What changed your mind?"

I take a sip and feel better now that I've told her. "I saw her loneliness. Tim saw it too when we were talking to her. I couldn't help but feel bad that she's had no one."

I don't go into detail about her not having her brother or parents here either. It isn't my business too

Ziva takes a seat next to me. "Hey, don't feel bad for feeling hurt about everything. That's not on you. I think you handled it well from where I'm sitting."

That's such a Ziva thing to say. It's why I love her.

"If you're sure. As long as she doesn't try anything funny at the wedding, I'm fine with it."

I'm not sure how close Ziva and Abby were before this whole thing. I know that Ziva has had my back since I walked into NCIS. All I had to do was say hi and I made a friend for life.

"Don't worry. You're still my maid of honor."

She smiles. "Alright. Have some pizza before it gets cold."

I listen to her and reach for a slice of pepperoni.

Ziva looks at me with curiosity. "Are you wondering what Tim is doing?"

I swallow my thankfully still hot pizza and continue in on the wine. "For once, no. I know I can trust him, and I trust Tony as well."

"Poor Jack though, huh?"

I nearly spit out my wine. "Oh no, poor Jack."

"What do you even think he's going through?"

"Only they and the lord know."

It's Happening: NCISDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora