Chapter 36

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Tim's POV:

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Tim's POV:

"I have to admit it was a little weird." Melissa and I just got home and we're setting up for dinner. I decided that now is the best time to ask her about how it was talking about our honeymoon with Vance and Gibbs in the room.

"Well it did sound weird on the phone." I tell her. I could tell by the tone of her voice when she got uncomfortable or just confused when she was talking to them. I know how she feels even when she's on the phone.

"It wasn't something I enjoyed but it was something that had to happen at some point."

She's right. It slipped my mind until she called me. Good thing we did it because we're doing this next month, which doesn't leave us much time.

"So, what are we doing?"

She goes to the fridge to take out leftovers. "We have chicken and rice if you want. If anything, I can run to the store and pick something up if you want."

"Stop." I say with a smile on my face. She's so cute. I love it that she loves cooking. I love that she wants to make me whatever I want, but anything she makes will be fine. I don't understand how she doesn't know that by now.

"The food isn't what I meant." She looks me in the eyes and gives me a confused look. "I was talking about the honeymoon."

When I look at her, I can see the wheels start turning in her head. She's looking around trying to think of ideas and a smile forms on her face. "I don't know. I haven't thought about it."

I go to her to take her into my arms. I'm glad I'm not the only one that hasn't thought about it.

"What were you thinking?" She asks me.

"I haven't thought about it either."

She laughs into my chest. I can't control myself when she looks this cute and kiss her on her head.

"Baby, you already know it doesn't matter to me. I love you and don't care where we go."

I hear her sigh, but she doesn't say anything. She lays on me for a second then lifts her head up to look at me. "I guess we can figure it out."

I kiss her on her forehead. "Besides we're having it in February. No place should be busy this time of year."

She shakes her head and looks back at the fridge. "Can you tell me what you want for dinner though?"

I shrug. "What you see first in there is fine."

She shakes her head. "Okay."

Tim's POV:

Another slow day at work. Sometimes I feel like people think that we're busy all the time and constantly out on the field when in reality we're mostly bored. It's good to be bored because that means people are safe and we're not bored someone's hurt so no one really wins in the situation at the end of the day.

I told Gibbs I was going on my lunch break and Tony basically begged him if he could go with me. I wasn't going anywhere fancy I was just going into the break room to eat. Tony wanted to do the same. I guess he just wanted company.

To start off the lunch conversation I told him about Melissa being called in to Vance's office to schedule the honeymoon.

"Sounds a little uncomfortable if you ask me."

"It was." And I was on the other end of the line. I knew it felt weird for her before she even told me when we got back to the apartment.

"Where are you two love birds going anyway?" He asks in between chews. He's been calling us that a lot recently. It sounds weird every time he says it. I just can't put my finger on why though.

"We said we would talk about it soon. I don't really care where we go."

"What?" He smirks. "Come on, you two get to decide where you spend vacation. Maybe a beach, a city, mostly the bedroom."

"Shut up." I nudge him in the arms and try not to laugh.

I know it sounds lame of me, but I really don't care where we go for the honeymoon. If it's just us so that's more than enough for me. Yes, I get to lay down with her every night. Yes, I get to wake up with her every morning. But being away from everyone and having it just be us; that's more than enough for me.

"Maybe I should get married just for the honeymoon."

"I bet that would go over well with your bride."

He thinks about it for a second and shakes his head. "You're probably right. Forget a runaway bride, she'd be digging a hole for me in the divorce."

Listening to Tony talk like this can only make me laugh. Weddings and marriage is such a joke to him, but it makes me thankful for what I have with Melissa.

"Does she have any ideas?"

"Not yet." It was cool that she didn't have any ideas because I didn't either. It's just after I asked her, I think the mood shifted last night. I feel like it was in my head though because I didn't eat all day and she just wanted to cook dinner for us. I feel like the honeymoon just wasn't on our mind to begin with, so we weren't really focused on it last night.

Tony chuckles. "You guys are a funny match."

We are and we own it.

I finish my food and I get up to throw it out. I'll still sit with Tony because he's still working on his.

"At least she's not worried about the whole Jenny situation."

When Tony says that, I freeze near the trash can. Melissa and I haven't talked about it. I decided to put it off because she was open to me about how she felt with Gibbs and everyone else. I decided to put it off because I thought that's what she needed. I put it off so much that I forgot to ask about it, but I thought it was because she didn't want to talk about it. With what Tony's saying it sounds like she has.

"What do you mean worried?" I go back to the table to join him.

He shrugs. "You know, she's just not upset over it. She's more focused on how we knew her and lost her and felt like she didn't lose her because she never got to know her."

I don't know when she told Tony this, but this is the first time I'm hearing about it. I thought she didn't want to talk about it, but I guess she just didn't want to talk about it with me. I don't know what this would have to do with the other but last night the mood shifted when we were talk about the honeymoon. Was that because she was thinking of her biological mother she never met?

"She told you this?"

He slowly makes eye contact with me. "Didn't she tell you?"

I don't know what to say here. I don't want to lie to Tony and at the same time it's none of his business. I think he can tell from my face that she didn't tell me anything.

"Yeah." I decide to lie. "I just didn't know she was vocal to anyone else about it."

And that's the truth.

He moves the food out of the way and switches the subject. "Why don't I tell you the ideas I have for the bachelor party?"

To be honest I don't want to hear it. I just want to know if my fiancé is hurting and I don't know it because I wasn't paying attention and decided not to ask her.

"Sure." I give in because this is better than thinking the worst. "What do you have in mind?"

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