Chapter 23

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Melissa's POV:

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Melissa's POV:


I heard what he said. For some reason I thought that she was a non-factor in what's happening now. I know she was important to Gibbs, but she didn't affect my life as much as everyone else's. I thought it was something we were just going to forget about.

That's what I get for forgetting that this just doesn't affect me. 

Tony and Ziva told me what happened to her and my sister. I never knew them, and I'll never get the chance. It's sick what happened, but how sick is it that all I can think is hey, I dodged that bullet.

Bad choice of words.

"Why?" I ask nervously, as if he can read my mind. "She's not even here anymore."

"Who told you that?"

"Ziva and Tony." I just ratted on the two people I thought would never lie to me again. Was I wrong about them too?

"Well, they don't even know who your biological was. They think your mother is the woman I married and had my daughter, Kelly, with."

"Kelly?" That was her name. "My sister?"

"Your half-sister."

Whole or half, I still wonder what it would have been like having a sibling. I would have someone that would have my back by default, and I would have theirs. I know she's gone now. It's disgusting that she died at such a young age. I hate the whole situation when I think about it.

I have to remember I didn't know them, but Gibbs did. He must be dying inside if I can barely stand the thought of it.

"I'm also going to tell you that Abby didn't know this secret. I told no one about this one."

It must be a big one if he didn't tell her. I didn't organize this to talk about her either. I just want this last piece of the puzzle to be out in the opened and we can move on.

"I didn't marry your biological mother. We actually worked on many cases together."

Keeping it in the workplace as usual I see. I wish I was surprised by this statement.

Wait a minute. The workplace. "Does she work here now?"

"No." He puts his hands up because he can see the immediate panic on my face. It's not like I haven't run into someone I was supposed to know before. "But she did come back to work here a year before you started. It was a little longer than that actually."

I want to put all the pieces together before we never talk about this again. "Is that what triggered you to reach out to me?"

"A little, yes. But that wasn't the full reason."

I know the story. I was an accident and James and my mom wanted a baby. There's no more to discuss. "She's gone and she isn't coming back? Does she know I'm here?" That has to be it.

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