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All the brothers essembled in the Sabha and discussed the matter of Jarasanth. Bheem said. Arjun,let us March over him and vanquish him in battle. That way we can save them before he offers them to  kal Bhairav
.Arjun differed. Bhrata Bheem, we should wait till we get a suggestion from Madhav, I heard that he still have to reach the  number he wants. Let us wait . Yudhisthir agreed to Arjun's proposal.
Then Bheem and Arjun went to the military camp at the borders to honour the soldiers that participated and lost their lives. The whole army welcomed the brothers wholeheartedly. They accepted the gifts given by Arjun and danced in joy. All the soldiers requested the brothers to stay with them as they want to entertain them with songs and dances.
Arjun and Bheem agreed and enjoyed with them. Some of them sang on Arjun's valour and Bheem's might. ArJun danced with them heartfully . Bheem  drank Madhuras and elated. Arjun also got intoxicated and sat near the campfire.He remembered his words to Draupadi He definitely did not mean to cause inconvenience to her.That is not his nature.Let his queen sleep peacefully . She deserves rest.he thought.
Draupadi waited for Arjun in her chamber.Malini came and informed her that both the brothers have sent message that they may not return in the night.She felt bad for Arjun. He came after fighting severe war and wished to have her company. She is unable to oblige him. She gave more importance to her duties rather than her love.
She should have asked him to comeback early. Draupadi lied down on her  couch and closed her eyes. A single tear rolled down from the corner of her eye. It  made her cheek wet and reached her neck.She suddenly felt his warm lips swallow that tear drop and opened her eyes in surprise. Arjun smiled and asked. You thought I won't come, no?

Draupadi felt it a dream. You sent the message you won't come,then how did you  come?
Arjun explained. We wanted to stay back. But After midnight Bhrata Bheem felt it was not comfortable to sleep there. He asked me to ride the horse and land Him safely in the palace.Otherwise I would have stayed there happily,you know  I enjoy sleeping under the umbrella of stars and the moon. He winked at her.
You are unpredictable.Draupadi smirked.Arjun placed his head in her lap and asked. What are you thinking that the tears have to appear in your eyes? Tell me frankly.
Draupadi hesitatingly said. I thought you got angry. That is why you stayed back. I did'nt fulfill your wish even though you came after so many days. I felt guilty. Arjun mischievously raised his eyebrows and questioned. Is this the fire born speaking? I wonder. Draupadi looked seriously into his eyes and said. The fire born spits fire for others. With you the fire will completely get extinguished.And be comes cooler and vulnerable.
Arjun laughed and teased her. I don't think so. Still I feel you as hot as it can get. Draupadi understood the inner meaning and tried to keep him away from her. You are impossible to deal with. She pretended to be angry and got down to reach the place of her dreams,the swing and the bunches of Jasmines that invited her spreading fragrance.

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