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"What if something happens while you're gone?"

Brett placed a careful kiss on Eddy's forehead as he put his jacket on. It had been a few days with the pair of them staying with their boys in the hospital. They were strong, but little Aiden had a nasty infection he was in the process of fighting off, which made everything a million times scarier.

"One of us still has to pick up the keys, love," Brett said softly, stroking his cheek carefully to comfort him. "And get most our stuff packed. And their rooms set up."

"I know, I just don't want you to come back to something bad," Eddy said with a sigh, leaning into Brett's hand. "Especially because one of us has to pick up Elise eventually. She can't stay with Ray forever."

Brett nodded, placing a kiss on Eddy's head. He felt so guilty about leaving Elise with Ray for several days. They had video chatted with her yesterday, and their poor little angel had cried so much and hugged Ray's ipad. It didn't turn into the nice time they had hoped for, it had just turned into more tears and her telling Ray and May that she wanted baba or dada.

"If everything's okay after I've picked up the keys, and it's not too late I'll go see her at Ray's, and try and plan when she'll come meet her brothers too," Brett sighed, slowly letting Eddy go after placing a careful kiss to his lips. "But I really have to go."

"Maybe bring back some bubble tea for us on the way back? I think I saw a bubble tea shop across the street," Eddy said softly, looking up at him. "If you have time?"

"Okay, love," Brett nodded with a small smile. "Look after our boys while I'm gone, then."

"I love the way your eyes sparkle when you say 'our boys'," Eddy giggled softly, looking over at Benjamin and Aiden who were both sleeping at the moment. "But I'll do my best. Not that there's much I can do."

"Just your presence and love with probably work wonders," Brett smiled, getting to the door. "Love you, all of you."

"Love you too, baba," Eddy chuckled, blowing him a kiss. It was nice to get the mood slightly lighter.


"It's okay sweetie, it's okay," May said, rocking the poor little girl back and forth as she clinged to her for dear life. This little angel who had never spent more than a night away from baba or dada was suddenly thrown into almost a week with two adults who didn't really know how to take care of her properly for that long.

If only she understood why, and that it wasn't because baba and dada didn't love her anymore.

"Dadaaa...." Elise sobbed, her little body shaking as she sniffled and tried to draw in all the snot that had ran out and that was now getting all over May's t-shirt. In one way, it was cute how much she missed them and that her feelings were so big for such a little girl, but at the same time it was so heartbreaking to see that she understood that baba and dada wasn't there and that she was so attached to them. What would happen when she realized she wasn't the sole center of baba and dada's universe anymore?

"I know you want dada, Li-Li. I know you do, but he's not here right now," May said, stroking her back carefully. She didn't really know how to comfort a not even two years old girl who wasn't able to get what she wanted. "But if you want, we can play with Sharkie? Or see if uncle Ray has any fun toys?"
May moved her back a bit to wipe her tears carefully. She also found some tissues to take care of the snot.
"Wanna help me find Sharkie?"

"Sharkie," Elise agreed, looking around for him. Her eyes were still big and teary, but at least they had found some distraction.

May gently lifted her off her lap and onto her feet on the floor before standing up and taking her hand carefully.
"Where's Sharkie, then? Gotta show me."

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