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"I can't believe they actually went to sleep at the same time," Brett sighed as he sat down on the bed. Day one and he was already exhausted. It was a good kind of exhaustion, though. He loved every second of it.

"Me neither. Time to sleep while we can," Eddy yawned as he set the two newly acquired baby monitors down on his nightstand. "And we probably should try to set up the studio tomorrow, or at least start to set it up, so we need to sleep anyway."

"I sure hope you didn't think I'd pass on some sleep," Brett chuckled, taking off his glasses and crawling under the duvet. Eddy followed soon after, snuggling up close to his boyfriend.

"Not at all, was just saying," he hummed, nuzzling his face into the back Brett's neck. Brett couldn't help but smile.

"It's gonna be nice to go to sleep with you every night again, though," Brett hummed, closing his eyes and taking a moment to just feel the warmth of Eddy's body against his. It made him feel safe, like he was home. "I've missed you, in a way."

"I missed you too. So much," Eddy sighed softly, making Brett shiver slightly as the breath went down his back. "I'm sorry I caused us to have to spend so much time apart."

Brett froze for a moment when he heard Eddy's quiet apology. His heart sank and all the good feelings from a moment ago twist into a suffocating pain.
"Th... that's not what I meant," he stuttered, his voice breaking halfway through. He cleared his throat to try and get it back under control. "You didn't cause anything, Eddy. None of it is your fault. I thought we talked about this?"
He rolled over so he could look at Eddy. Meeting his sad eyes made him feel sick.

"We should sleep, it's late. Besides, it's over now, it's... we're back together. It doesn't matter who's at fault," Eddy mumbled, obviously just trying to talk himself out of having to explain his words.

"Eddy, you know I don't think having the twins caused anything bad, right? You know everything potentially negative was just minor inconveniences in comparison to the amazing joy it is to be parents of three, right?"
Brett reached up to touch Eddy's cheek, clearly breaking the dam by doing so as tears soon wet his fingertips. "You know that, right?"

"It just feels like it's only been negatives with it," Eddy squeaked, a string of sobs escaping now. Brett pulled him into a tight hug, knowing that while Eddy got more emotional when he was exhausted like this, it was usually triggered by something he had been thinking about when he wasn't tired. "It's just been... been having to be apart, not spending enough t... time with Elise or each other... not working... the boys have been so sick, making both of us worry... It's just been a string of bad things..."

Brett listened as Eddy mentioned everything. It had been a lot recently, he'd acknowledge that.
"But Eddy mine, in return for all that we've gotten something much more precious. We have years to catch up on the things you mentioned," he said calmly, trying to wipe Eddy's tears carefully with his thumb. "We've gotten two beautiful boys. I'm so lucky to get to have a family with you, Eddy, with our beautiful baby girl and our two beautiful baby boys."

"Do you really feel lucky, Brett? Or are you just saying that?" Eddy asked quietly, sniffling a bit as he tried to wipe his own tears too.

"I'm the luckiest man alive, Eddy. Honestly. I screwed up for years, somehow managed to get you as my boyfriend anyway," Brett began, placing a brief kiss on Eddy's lips. "And on top of that we have managed to create our own, perfect job AND have three beautiful children together. How can I not be lucky, honestly?"

"You always know what to say to make me feel better," Eddy mumbled, blushing a bit. "I love you, Brett."

"I love you too, Eddy mine. Let's sleep now before..."

Brett didn't get to finish the sentence before the light crackling of one of the baby monitors sounded. They both looked over at them.

"It's Aiden," Eddy said, starting to get out of bed. Brett pulled him back in gently and gave him a quick kiss.

"I'll get it. Get some sleep, babe," Brett smiled, getting his glasses back on. "Sleep tight."

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