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This was nice. Very nice. Just existing together in silence, showering together, making dinner together. It wasn't that late, just after the kid's usual bedtime. Neither of them were worried about that, though. They trusted Ray and May.

"Oh, we're out of noodles," Eddy said softly, having been designated the noodles as his area of responsibility. Brett had always been the better cook of the two anyway.

"That's not ideal," Brett said softly, looking up from where he was cutting up vegetables. Hadn't he just bought noodles? "We need noodles for this. I can go get it, if you want?"

"No, no, I'll go," Eddy said quickly, closing the cupboard where the noodles normally would be. "Anything else from the store?"

"Hmm... Maybe you can stop by and get us boba on the way back?" Brett suggested with an innocent smile. "For after dinner?"

Eddy couldn't help but smile back, going over and placing a kiss to Brett's cheek. Brett found himself leaning slightly against him, loving the feeling of Eddy's hand stroking down his back and over to his waist to pull him closer. He had been slowly moving towards getting his figure back recently, so it wasn't as uncomfortable as it used to.

"Of course, love. Brown sugar?" Eddy asked, nuzzling his face into Brett's hair a bit. It tickled.

"Yes please, Eddy mine," Brett said softly, putting his knife down and turning slightly so he could hug Eddy properly. "I love you so much."

Eddy was a bit surprised by the hug at first, but slowly shifted his arms to be more properly around his man. His fingers gently ran through the back of Brett's soft hair, petting him slightly.

"I love you too, Bretty," Eddy said softly, kissing the top of his head. "Is something wrong?"

Brett shook his head slightly, squeezing Eddy tighter.
"No, I'm just enjoying having time to just be with you," he explained softly. He sometimes missed moments like this when they were too busy with the kids. It was worth it, though, having their little family together.

"We can make time for this more and more often as the kids become more and more able to deal with themselves," Eddy assured softly, closing his eyes a bit. He missed this too. "I promise I'll hold you as long as I can every time."

"Thank you, love," Brett mumbled softly. "Wanna go get noodles now? And come back and hold me after?"

"Yeah, I can. I'll be quick," Eddy said, kissing his forehead as he untangled himself from the hug. "I love you."

"I love you too," Brett said softly, smiling up at him.

And with that, Eddy headed off, leaving Brett to continue with all the stuff they would have with the noodles.

"Might as well start frying all this up," Brett mumbled out loud to himself, figuring the store was only fifteen minutes away. The food always tasted better after sitting a bit anyway.

He found his frying pan and went into the cupboard to find oil to fry the veggies up in.
"What the..." he said as he shifted the oil away. Behind it, not really hidden even, was a pack of noodles! Had Eddy even used his eyes at all?

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