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"Babygirl?" Brett asked softly, stroking her cheek with his finger to try and wake her. They rarely ever woke her up for anything, because they rarely ever had any reason to. First day in daycare was a reason they had to, though.

"Noooo...." Elise mumbled, sleepily trying to push baba's hand away. He smiled down at her, realizing she was actually a lot like Eddy despite not having a strand of dna from him in her.

"Yeah, baby, it's your first day in daycare today," Brett hummed, brushing her hair away from her face. "It's gonna be fun!"

Of course it was too early to reason with the poor girl who had practically never been made to get up early in her life, and she began whining softly before breaking into sobs, trying to curl up and sleep more.

"Shhh it's okay, baby," Brett hummed, lifting her out of her crib carefully and letting her rest her head against his shoulder. "Let's go clean you up and get you dressed."

About half an hour later, Elise had slowly woken up more and was back to her usual self. Brett had put her in a pair of blue overalls and a light green t-shirt with white flowers. He had pulled her hair back in a messy braid having learnt how to braid hair from a girl he fancied in high school.

Eddy had pulled himself out of bed too when it was nearing time for Brett and Elise to head off. He would stay home to try and get some work done while Brett helped Elise get used to the idea of daycare.

"Gosh, you're so grown aren't you?" Eddy said in a sleepy voice, lifting her off the floor where she was leaning against Brett, almost clinging to his leg. He put her on his arm and kissed her cheek, making her giggle.

"We're almost ready to head off, just getting her diapers and everything ready," Brett hummed, smiling when he got a kiss on the cheek as well. "Maybe you wanna be useful and help her with her new sneakers?"

"Sure," Eddy said, smiling at Elise as he walked over to the living room where the shoes were sitting on the table. They had tried them on the day before and just never got around to move them.

"Wanna try and put them on yourself, huh?" Eddy asked, grabbing the sneakers and bringing them over to the front door. He sat down on his knees and put her down in front of him and the shoes in the correct order in front of her. "Wanna try?"

She immediately sat down on her butt, grabbing one of the shoes. Of course she was trying to get it on the wrong foot.

"Other foot, baby, gotta have it on this one," Eddy smiled patiently, tickling the correct foot so she'd know which she should put it on. That quickly backfired as she abandoned the shoe completely to instead pull her sock off with a giggle.

"That's like the opposite of what I asked the two of you to do, isn't it?" Brett chuckled softly, ruffling Eddy's hair as he stepped past to get his own shoes on. Eddy stuck his tongue out at him and pulled Elise closer to out her sock back on.

"Baba's just being silly, right? Bet the sock was on wrong way," Eddy joked, helping her get it on and grabbing the shoe after. He held it open for her so she could out her foot in, letting her try her hand at the velcro while he put the shoe on her other foot.

"Was noooot," Brett jokingly complained as he tied his shoelaces. "You ready, princess?"

Eddy gave his little girl a quick squeeze before helping her to her feet so she could grab hold of Brett's hand.
"Have fun at daycare today, okay?" he said with a smile, looking her over. Brett was holding her little, pink backpack.

"We're probably both of us gonna have an amazing day," Brett chuckled softly, opening the door. In that moment, Eddy remembered an important detail.

"Wait a second," Eddy said, quickly getting to his feet and walking off into Elise's bedroom. Elise looked after him, just as confused as baba.

When he came back, both understood quickly what Eddy was up to.

"Sha-kieeee!!!" Elise shrieked, hugging it to her chest with a big grin when Eddy handed it to her.

"Yeah, can't go off to daycare without your bestie, can you?" Eddy chuckled, giving Brett a quick kiss before they headed out.

"Alright, say 'bye-bye daddy'," Brett told Elise as they were halfway out the door. She turned to look up at daddy.

"Bye-bye dada!" she said, waving at him with a big grin on her face.

"Bye-bye Li-Li, have fun at daycare today!" Eddy smiled, waving back at her. Their little girl was growing up so fast.

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