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"We can hold him? You mean that?" Brett asked in disbelief as he had gotten back to the hospital with Elise in his arms. It was a few days, almost a week, after their time together at home. Eddy had spent the night with the boys this time, and Brett had inly barely made it back before the rounds started because Elise absolutely didn't want to leave after Brett had spent some time getting the going home-outfits for the boys from home. She was rather focused on this 'kitty', insisting she wanted to play with it, but there was definitely no kitty.

"Yes, I am confident that should be safe," the doctor assured with a smile. "I'm sure the nurses will be happy to help you with that."

Brett put Elise down on the floor as she was a bit impatient, but tried to pull baba with her to play once she had both feet on the floor. She quickly gave up, though, as she realized baba was too busy to play with her.

"Thank you so much," Eddy said excitedly, looking over at Brett. Brett met his gaze, and it was like they tried to decide who would get to hold him first just by looks alone. It didn't seem to work this time.

"You should go first, I held Benjamin first," Brett said, but Eddy shook his head.

"I held Elise first," he countered, shaking his head too. Nobody had noticed that the little girl had slipped out the door behind the doctors during this conversation. "It's only fair you get to hold the twins."

"I want you to hold him first. I think you deserve that," Brett said, going over to his boyfriend and kissing his cheek. "I'll be right here, anyway."

"If you're sure," Eddy said hesitantly, looking over at the nurse who was already getting Aiden ready to be held for the very first time.

"It's best with skin to skin contact," the nurse reminded them softly, and Eddy was quick to unbutton his shirt. Brett just hoped the hickeys he had made on Eddy's collarbones a few days before had faded. It seemed they had.

"I'm ready," Eddy said, voice quite shaky now. Brett went over to him and pulled one of the wooden chairs they had gotten over and sat down next to him.

"Alright, here he comes," the nurse said in a cheerful tone, lifting him up and walking over to Brett and Eddy with their little boy. Tubes were still connected to him, but the tiny little one was a lot bigger and a lot stronger than when he was born. He occasionally opened his eyes and tried to look around, even, despite him not really being able to focus yet.

"Hi there, babyboy," Eddy whispered once the little one was placed gently on his chest. "Little Aidan."

"Little prince," Brett hummed next to him, reaching over to caress his cheek. "You're feeling so safe with dada, huh?"

Eddy had to snort a bit at that, shaking his head.
"Nah, it's just because baba is right there," he chuckled softly, looking over at Brett. "I love you."

"I love you too, babe. Thank you for our boys."

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