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"Baba?" Elise asked softly, jumping when he woke up with a surprised inhale. He had fallen asleep on the couch with Benjamin on his chest while Eddy was out with Aiden for a doctor's appointment to check his lungs.

"Shit," Brett groaned, rubbing his eyes. "Sorry, Li-Li, baba fell asleep for a bit there. What's up?"

"Kitty," Elise said, pointing to the empty spot by her play corner. "Meow."

"I can't see the kitty, love. Is it a friend of yours?" Brett asked softly, still lying down on the couch. Elise had been going on and on about this cat for ages now, and they had become pretty  confident it had to be her imaginary friend or something. "What colour is kitty?"

"Yeaaaah," Elise giggled, not really catching what baba was asking. She was just happy baba was focusing on her and not the stupid 'brother', as she had recently learned the dolls were called. "Meow!"

"You're right, kitty goes meow," Brett hummed softly, reaching one arm out to pat her back. "What does your kitty like to eat, then? Fish?"

Elise furrowed her brows after that question as if thinking about it.
"Mmm... No..." she answered finally, swinging her arms back and forth a bit.

"No? What does kitty eat then?" he tried again, loving to have a conversation with her that wasn't 'please go to sleep'.

"Uuh..." Elise hesitated aa she tried to find the words. Then she pointed to Benjamin, who still was resting safely on baba's chest, and grinned. "Bo!"


"Hey, love. How are you feeling?" Ray asked softly as he entered their now shared bedroom. May had moved into his apartment a bit gradually over the past few weeks. The last few days, she had been sick, though, which delayed everything a little. Her contract ran out in just four days, though, so Ray did his best to get all her stuff over for her.

"Awful," May whimpered, being all curled up under the duvet. Ray sat down next to her on the bed, carefully stroking her arm. "It feels like having motion sickness constantly."

"Motion sickness is the worst, I'm sorry you're going through that," Ray said softly. "Anything I can do to help?"

"I don't think so. Can you just hold me for a bit, though?" May asked quietly, looking up at him from under the cover. "I know I'm sweaty and disgusting, but..."

"It's okay, I've been moving boxes all day. It's not like I am any better," Ray said softly, brushing some of her hair behind her ear. "I was thinking maybe we could shower, though?"

"I don't want to get up," May said quietly, tearing up as she spoke. "Please just hold me."

"Okay, baby, I've got you. You're okay," Ray said quickly, scooting himself into bed and under the covers with her. "I love you."

"I love you too," May sniffled quietly snuggling close to his chest. "I just want to sleep for a bit, but I can't because I'm too nauseated."

"It'll pass, love, and I'll hold you for the longest nap, okay?" Ray suggested softly, kissing her forehead. "Does that sound good?"

"Yes please. Thank you, Ray," May exhaled slowly. "I love you."

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