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Leonora watched as her ex boyfriend and his boyfriend disappeared into what she thought was their bedroom for the stay. It was bizarre to just sit there and know Brett was touching this guy who she was pretty sure disliked her to get his cum so she could squirt it up her vagina after and have his child.

She had been so nervous when she made the suggestion to be a surrogate for them. Her reasoning to them had been straightforward enough. It was so easy to say it was for the money, so easy to pretend to be a cold bitch in need of money. Sure, financial help was very welcome - her dad was cutting her off, but that was far from the reason she had suggested this.

Truth was, she wanted to give something to Elise. She knew Elise wasn't hers, she knew they were her parents and that she was merely the woman who birthed her, but she loved her. How could she not, after carrying her for nine months?

She remembered how empty she felt the first weeks, and how she doubted it was real until she saw her. Had they not let her see her that one time almost a year ago, she was sure she would have gone insane thinking it didn't really happen. But then when she did see her, how could she not want to do everything she was in a position to do for her?

As an only child, Leonora knew one thing Elise likely would miss out on. One thing Leonora could provide her with that Brett and Eddy couldn't on their own, the only thing she could do for the beautiful little girl she had given birth to.

The thought had popped up in her head on a blind date one of her study mates had set her up on. She couldn't really pinpoint exactly what the curly haired guy had said, maybe the order he had asked if she had any siblings, if she wanted any kids in the future. It was weeks ago, and she had Law make the contract just in case she would ever be brave enough to call them up and ask.

But then Brett passed out before her eyes in the park and something in her made her more sure than ever. It took a week of building bravery, and she knew she had sprung it on them like a jack in a box, but this had been on her mind for months already. She wanted to give Elise the one thing she could offer, something she had wanted her entire childhood - a little sibling.

To say she was happy when they said yes would be the understatement of the year.

It did not make it less awkward when Brett and Eddy came out of the bedroom, all flustered and with a syringe containing a familiar white liquid, though. She got up and accepted it from Eddy, who blushed so much his whole face lit up like a tomato.

"I'll be back," she exhaled nervously before making her way to the bathroom to fulfill her part of this task, leaving the parents to be in the living room.

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