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Ray held Elise's hands as he helped her practice her walking. Downstairs he could hear faint violin playing and some giggles. It was nice to know ye helped them do this thing they enjoyed together.

"It's so insane you're gonna start daycare. What will I do with myself, then, huh?" he chuckled softly, slowly letting her go to see if she would stand and walk on her own. She just ended up leaning on his legs instead, though.

"Aaah?" Elise asked, trying to look up at him but ending up falling on her butt instead since he was SO tall compared to her. Ray chuckled softly and sat down on the floor with her.

"I'm sorry, babygirl, I know it's difficult to look up at me when I am like five times your height," he chuckled, helping her back up on her feet. He couldn't help the grin forming on his face when she half walked half fell into him to hug.

"Ayyyyy!" Elise giggled into the hoodie Ray was wearing, trying to climb onto him.

"Almost! Gotta have the 'R' in there. 'Ray'," Ray chuckled, kissing her cheek before helping her up to stand on his thighs.

"Ay!" she tried again, giggling when Ray smiled at her.

"You'll get there," Ray chuckled as she kind of bounced where she was standing.

After a while she wore herself out from all the physical activity and ended up just sitting in Ray's lap, cuddling. Ray held her protectively, rocking her slightly back and forth. It was nearing a sensible naptime anyway.

"So, maybe you can give me some advice, huh?" he asked her softly, making her look up at him with sleepy eyes. He kissed her forehead. "Even though you have no experience in this kind of stuff and I hope you won't in a loooong time."

"Ayayay?" Elise mumbled, taking a hold of the hoodie string and pulling on it and making it all uneven.

"Yeah, cause you know May?" Ray asked with a small smile, brushing her slightly long bangs to the side. "It's kind of insane, but I'm thinking we're at the point where I should ask her to be my girlfriend, right? But I never really find a good time to do it, you know?"

"Ayyaamaaa..." Elise babbled, trying to put the hoodie string in her mouth. Ray took it from her gently.

"I guess I'm just nervous about it, right?" Ray sighed, watching Elise yawn and rest her little head against his chest. "Maybe I should just do it? Get over myself?"

"Mmm," Elise mumbled, fighting to stay awake now. Ray rocked her gently to lull her to sleep.

"I think I'll try that," Ray hummed softly, stroking her hair carefully. "I'll keep you updated, don't worry. You can sleep if you want."

"Aaa..." Elise mumbled before yawning again. It wasn't long after that last yawn before she drifted off, sleeping soundly in Uncle Ray's safe arms while baba and daddy made YouTube videos in the basement. Ray loved babysitting the little princess.

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