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They had just sat down on the picnic blanket when Eddy spotted a familiar figure coming in behind Brett. He reached for the camera to film the moment Elise realized, making Brett raise and eyebrow. Elise was sitting in Brett's lap, playing happily with Sharkie, oblivious to the fact that her favourite uncle was approaching.

Ray gave all of them a wave as he approached and grinned widely at the camera Eddy pointed at him.
"Hey guys," he said as he sat down on the blanket next to Belle, and finally Elise looked up from her shark.

The grin forming on her face was quickly matched by Ray's.
"Hey there princess!" he said, holsibg his arms out at her. "Come to uncle Ray?"

"Ahhhhh!!" Elise shrieked happily while Brett helped her to her feet to practice walking while they were at it, but it ended with Elise just kind of falling into Ray's arms for a hug as she was way too excited to concentrate on walking.

Ray placed a big kiss on Elise's cheek, hugging her.
"I missed you too, babygirl!" he told her, shifting her to sit in his lap while he took his violin case off his back. "Oh yeah, hi the rest of you too, by the way."

"Nice to see you too, Ray. It's been a long time," Belle said witv a smile, giving him a side hug. "You forgot to stop by last time you were in the country."

"I know, I know, I had a concert in Germany the next day," Ray chuckled with a small shrug. "This time I'm here, though. How's things going here?"

Eddy turned to Brett, asking with his eyes if he could tell him. He really wanted to share the latest exciting news, but they hadn't talked about it. Brett met Eddy's eyes and gave a small nod and a smile.

"I feel like you guys can read each other's mind sometimes," Ray joked when everyone got quiet and the couple just stared at each other for a bit. Brett chuckled at that and Eddy blushed.

"Well not really, but... but I guess we have some exciting news to share," Eddy said, looking at Brett for another confirmation and got it in the form of another nod. "We're gonna gave another kid."

Ray's jaw dropped to the blanket, and Elise looked up at him with light giggles.
"Really? How's that happening this time?" he asked, happy for them but a bit confused. "Because I'm guessing it's not a happy accident."

"We uh... We had Eddy give sperm to Leonora to inject..." Brett said, looking at his boyfriend whose cheeks tuened redder by the second.

"Ohh, so they're actually gonna be biologically half siblings! That's so clever and awesome!" Ray grinned. "Congrats guys!"

"Thanks, Ray," Eddy said with a shy smile, trying to lessen his warm cheeks. "She took a test and she's... she's pregnant. Doctor's appointment in a few days to confirm, but..."

"Oh man, you're gonna be a big sister, huh?" Ray grinned down at Elise, who just matched his smile. "That's gonna be so much fun!"

"Aaaaaaaayyyyaaa," Elise said, looking around as if she expected everyone to understand her. Belle chuckled softly.

"Being a big sis is great fun, Li-Li," she grinned at her. "I'm sure you're gonna love it."

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