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"Welcome home, babe," Ray smiled, getting out of the couch of his apartment and wrapping his arms around May for a quick kiss. He was surprised at her pushing him away, but it made more sense when she explained.

"Let me go you dummy, I'm all stinky and sweaty," she chuckled, shaking her head as she twisted herself out of his arms. "I'll take a quick shower, and then I'd love a kiss.".

"Alright. I've gotten us some takeaway, though so be quick or it'll be cold," Ray said with one of those smirks he got when he had a surprise, but it was slightly different. Almost nervous. Kind of like it had been when he asked her to be his girlfriend.

"Okay, love. I'll hurry," May chuckled, giving him a quick peck on the cheek before spinning off to the bathroom.

Ray was left by the entrance, his eyes following her all the way over to the moment the bathroom door closed. He didn't realize how silly he was acting before a tiny, content sigh escaped his lips. It was insane how hard he had fallen for this girl.

When May was finished showering and had gotten herself dressed in one of the merch hoodies she had gotten from Ray and some tights, she headed back out to the living room.

"Oh, Ray," she giggled when she saw how her boyfriend had found candles and even flowers for something as simple as takeaway food. "You're such a goof sometimes. What's the occasion?"

Their lips met as Ray went over and pulled her close, her smaller frame fitting perfectly in his arms.

"No occasion, just... You know what we talked about? About... Well, kids and stuff?" Ray asked with a sheepish smile. May raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah?" she asked, not sure where he was headed with this. "We said we'd wait with that, didn't we?"

"Yeah yeah, of course. I'm not saying we're making a baby tonight," Ray chuckled, shaking his head. "I meant more... You know, it doesn't hurt to... To make preparations for it, you know? Like, if we know we'll get to that eventually?"

"I think you'll have to explain, but I'd like to eat while you do if that's okay," May said, placing a quick kiss on his lips. "If that's okay?"

"Oh, yeah, of course!" Ray said quickly, letting her go to pull out the chair for her like the gentleman he was.

"You're so sweet," May smiled, sitting down in the chair he pulled out. "Thank you, love."

"Anything for you, lovely," Ray said, kissing her still wet hair. "Hope you like Indian."

"Of course I do, it's in my blood," May smiled, grabbing herself a fork. "Grandma always made her own twist on tandoori when she was alive. I'm so sad I never learned the recipe from her."

"Well, I just got what they recommended at the restaurant, but it looked delicious," Ray smiled, sitting down himself.

"I don't think I've tried this dish before, but it looks good," May smiled, taking the first bite. It really was good. "Anyway, what did you want to talk about?"

"Oh yeah, I thought I'd ask you to move in with me. You know, on a more permanent basis," Ray said, and May almost choked on the piece of chicken she was chewing. Ray was quick to fill up her glass of water and hand it to her.

"Well, you almost killed me with that suggestion," May joked once she finished coughing. "You're bold, mr Chen. I like that."

"Well, what do you say?" Ray asked with a grin, raising an eyebrow. "I think it could be nice."

"Of course I'd like that, silly. Of course I would."

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