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After a bit, Belle showed up at Brett and Eddy's house to help Ray and May prepare for the party. She quickly discovered that she was only helping Ray out with hanging the last banner, though, as he had done most of the stuff already and May wasn't feeling great. Once they got it up, they ended up joining May on the couch.

"You don't look too well, May. You okay?" Belle asked her, quite concerned despite not knowing her all that well. The poor girl looked exhausted!

"I'm fine, it's not as bad as it was a month ago. I had the most insane nausea," May informed her, pulling her hair out of her face and into a hair tie. "It's only been like... I guess gas lately."

"You've been unwell long?" Belle asked, really only getting more worried about her when he heard that. "Have you seen a doctor for it?"

"No, I haven't, but it's really not that bad, it's... It's mostly the lack of sleep that makes it difficult," May said with a small shrug. "And uh, I guess it's been a while..."

"It started out a few months ago with some nausea, mainly after she woke up," Ray explained carefully for her as she had squeezed his hand like she often did when she didn't know what to say. He kept looking over at her to make sure he wasn't saying anything wrong, though. "It kind of got worse for a month or so and then... Slowly better again, yeah?"

"Yeah," May confirmed, grateful for Ray's willingness to explain for her. "It's honestly much better than it was, and if it actually was something serious it would get worse, right?"

"I don't know, if it wasn't for the fact you look about skinny as a needle I'd say that definitely sounds like pregnancy symptoms," Belle pointed out with a small smile, trying to not let on how worried she was. "But I guess if it started months ago..."

"Yeah, I mean, it started like almost... Four months ago..? No, five months. So I mean, even though I have gotten slightly fatter it's nowhere near a five month baby bump, right?" May said, pulling her shirt up slightly to show Belle.

Belle tilted her head as she looked at May's relatively flat stomach. No, it didn't look like a five month baby bump, so it probably wasn't that. At worst it looked like she had eaten a heavy meal, but it honestly looked completely normal.

"I guess not, you certainly don't look like you're fibe months pregnant," Belle admitted. She had seen several of her friends pregnant back in London and she had gotten plenty of bump updates from them. May could barely compare to their two months updates, if even that. "Might be worth going to a doctor anyway, though."

"I will if it gets worse than this, I think," May nodded, leaning against Ray. "It's just the sleeping problems that's bothering me right now, really."

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