180. (nsfw)

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"Oh fuck..." Brett exhaled. Eddy was slowly dragging his groin against his, both still wearing the matching merch sweatpants they both randomly had decided on earlier that day. It added friction while holding everything in place, made it feel like sparkles and the sound fireworks made on their journey up to the sky.

"What, Bretty mine?" Eddy asked teasingly as a purr next to his ear, being so close his warm breath brushed down his neck. Fuck it was great.

Brett opened his mouth to answer, but his brain blanked out. Eddy had touched his lips against his neck, sucking down, making a mark that would be on show for the next week. God, how would they hide that on video?


The skin in Brett's neck was released with a "pop" and a gasp from the smaller of the pair. Maybe they didn't need to hide it? Everyone knew about them, and it's common knowledge that couples have sex!

"Mmh, you have no idea how beautiful you are like this," Eddy half moaned against the mark he had just made on his boyfriend's neck. It was clear Eddy felt proud about the mess he had made of his boyfriend. "I wish I could capture your face in perfect detail and burn it into my brain to recall whenever I feel down."

"You can have this anytime, Eddy mine," Brett exhaled, pushing his hips up to rub against Eddy's groin. He wanted more, he wanted him closer. It felt like he could never be close enough. "Anytime you need."

"I wish, but we have kids, Bretty mine," Eddy chuckled softly, pressing a short kiss to his lips. "We can't do this anytime we'd like. Lord knows how many times I've wanted you but couldn't."

"We just gotta get more sneaky. Quickies," Brett hummed, reaching up to brush Eddy's bangs from his face. "All our kids nap in the daytime, just saying."

"True that," Eddy hummed, stroking his cheek. "Would make times like this less intense, though, if I'm not saving myself for it."

"You've been saving yourself?" Brett asked softly, raising an eyebrow. Eddy blushed and leaned down to place a kiss on Brett's collarbone to hide it.

"Well, it's... Yeah?" Eddy mumbled, lifting his head again to look at him "I mean, it doesn't feel as good anyway."

"You're the sweetest, Eddy mine," Brett hummed softly, kissing him softly again. "I can't say I have been saving myself like you have."

"No?" Eddy asked, carefully shifting down slightly to start pull Brett's shirt off. Brett didn't complain, wanting to get moving.

"No, I can't help myself when you're being all gorgeous," Brett hummed, lifting his arms so the shirt could come off. "I wish we could shower together more often, just saying."

Eddy chuckled softly at that, kissing his stomach lightly now that it was exposed.
"Gotta be sneaky. Quickies," he copied Brett from earlier, grinning teasingly.

Brett responded by playfully tugging Eddy's hair a bit.
"Come on you dork, let me have you now," he chuckled, rolling them over so he could be on top. "Wanna fuck me today?"

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