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The power didn't come back until the next morning when they all were woken up by all the lights suddenly turning on. Brett cuddled himself closer to Eddy, shivering.

"It's cold," he whined, smiling a bit when Eddy wrapped his arms around him. It felt nice.

"It's because the heaters have been off all night," Eddy mumbled, kissing his forehead. Elise had sat up in her crib, but was calm still, keeping herself occupied with Sharkie.

"Warm me up, please?" Brett mumbled, and Eddy responded ny pulling him to his chest.

"How are you feeling?" Eddy asked, combing a finger through the part of Brett's hair that was sticking out from over the bandages. "Feeling nauseated today?"

Brett hesitated before answering that. He knew that saying yes meant it being easier to get away with eating less, but that simply wasn't true.
"Not really, no," Brett mumbled, resting his forehead against Eddy's chest.

"That's good, I'm glad you're feeling better," Eddy smiled, kissing the top of his head. "I love you."

"I love you too. Thank you for taking care of me," Brett mumbled, still not looking up at Eddy. "Even though I caused all of it myself."

"Did you, though?" Eddy sighed, shaking his head slightly. "Or do you mess your beautiful self up because I haven't been good enough at reminding you how wonderful, handsome and adorable you are?"

Brett felt his stomach drop and tighten into a knot. He should have kept his mouth shut.
"This is not your fault," he whispered, hugging Eddy tightly. "Fuck, please don't think that. Please, please, please don't."

"Okay, okay, I'm sorry. I won't, I just... It makes sense," Eddy tried to explain, looking down at Brett. "Shh, don't cry, I won't think that, I promise."

Brett didn't realize he was crying until Eddy pointed it out, and he reached his hand up to wipe his tears.
"I'm sorry I fucked myself up, Eddy. It's not your fault, you can't help being perfect," he sniffled, shaking his head. "I just wanna feel like I'm good looking enough to match you again."

"But you are, Brett. I don't know how to make you believe it, but you are! You've always been," Eddy said, trying to kiss his tears away. "It's got no connection to how you look, but even if it did you look gorgeous. As beautiful as ever, but in a different way. In a more mature way, if that makes sense? You're more... Well, dad-like? And that's hot, Brett, I love that."

Brett got a hint of pink over his cheeks. Eddy always knew how to make him feel better.
"Even though I'm fat?" he asked quietly, looking up at Eddy. "And I know, I can hear myself sounding stupid because a bit more chub isn't' fat', but... but compared to how I used to be..?"

"Want me to be honest, Brett?" Eddy asked, furrowing his brows. Brett felt like he couldn't breathe.

"Y... Yes..."

"You look more healthy now than you used to. A bit softer, less bony, you know? I liked you before, but I like this softer you more."

"You really do?" Brett asked quietly, licking his lips. It felt too good to be true, really. Was he just saying this to make him feel better?

"I do, Brett. You're not fat, you're healthy," Eddy said, pulling him into a hug. "And I love that."

"Okay," Brett exhaled, hugging Eddy back. "I love you."

"Love you too, Bretty mine."

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