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Brett could feel Eddy's eyes on him as he slowly took bites of his salad. Was he disgusted with how much he ate? Eddy would never say that, though, he was too sweet.

"It's been a while since we went out to eat together without Elise," Eddy pointed out as he stuck his fork in a meatball. "I've missed it."

"I've missed it too," Brett replied, eyes glued to the stupid salad. It had too much dressing, too much meat, too much bread. Too much stuff that was not salad. Why did he order this? Why did he think that some dressing would be okay?

"I kind of feel like you're thinking about something else, though," Eddy said, reaching over the table to place his hand on Brett's forearm. Brett could feel his stomach hurt at the question. He knew he couldn't answer properly.

"It's nothing Eddy, don't worry about it," Brett said quietly, feeling himself tense up. "Don't worry about me."

"I worry because you sound like me, baby," Eddy said, running his thumb over Brett's underarm. "Like I used to sound before we were together, and I know it's difficult to say it when you feel bad, but I promise it'll be better if you do."

Brett shook his head slightly, licking his lips. This would only be worse if he told Eddy, it would make Eddy lie and say he didn't mind him being fat when that wasn't true. The truth was that if he didn't take care of this now, Eddy wouldn't be attracted to him anymore.

"I'm fine, Eddy, don't worry about me," Brett said, taking a deep breath before looking up to meet Eddy's eyes. "The only thing wrong is that you are worrying too much."

"Are you sure, Bretty mine?" Eddy asked, taking Brett's hands in his and squeezing them lightly. "You know all I want is for you to be okay, right? You and Elise."

"I know, love. I'm fine," Brett said and even managed a small smile. "Thank you for checking, but I promise you don't have to worry about me. I guess I'm just a bit tired."

Eddy raised one of Brett's hands to his mouth to kiss it gently.
"No wonder, you were up so early today. Let's go to bed early tonight so we'll be awake when Belle takes us to see London Eye tomorrow. Would be bad if we fell asleep in line."

Brett chuckled softly. Eddy was too sweet.
"I'll just lean on you to sleep, no worries," he smiled, leaning over the table to kiss Eddy's cheek. Eddy responded by placing a peck on his lips.

"I'll carry you, so you can sleep, baby. How does that sound?" Eddy suggested woth a grin. He didn't notice the slight change in Brett's mood as he spoke.

"I mean, if you're able to?" Brett chuckled nervously, letting one of Eddy's hands go to run a hand through his hair. "I'm not as light as I used to be, you know."

"I'm not as strong as I used to be either, but I think it'll be fine," Eddy chuckled, squeezing Brett's hand. "Let's test it when we're done eating."

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