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"What's next?" Eddy asked, running a hand through his hair. It was nearing time for Ray to go home, and they had been filming non-stop for hours now, and Brett honestly felt both his physical and emotional energy run out like someone was holding the bowl of his energy upside down.

"Uh, I don't know," Brett sighed, resting his head in his hands. Eddy sat down next to him again, stroking his back carefully. "I don't think we'll make it through another video before Ray's gotta leave anyway."

"We can just rest for a bit, if you want?" Eddy suggested, making Brett turn to him.

"Nah, I'm fine. We can practice some, maybe? Just play through something...?" Brett suggested, leaning into Eddy's side.

"Yeah? If you want?" Eddy smiled, kissing the side of his head. "Actually, I uh... I've been working on a piece... Like composing? It's just a sketch, but maybe we could try some of that?"

Brett furrowed his brows and turned to look at Eddy properly.
"When on Earth did you have time to do that?" he asked with a small chuckle.

"I guess I just... When you're out grocery shopping, on the plane from London, when I can't sleep... Just the few minutes available, I guess," Eddy shrugged, blushing a bit. "But we don't have to, if you don't want to. Just thought it could be nice to have another pair of eyes on it?"

"What's the instrumentation? Violin, I assume?" Brett asked, slowly propping himself to his feet to go fetch his violin. He felt like an old man and he wasn't even thirty yet.

"Solo violin, actually," Eddy said with a small smile and got up to fetch his stave paper. "I guess I'll play it myself if I ever finish it, but..."

"But..?" Brett asked, tuning his violin quickly after he had detuned it for the previous video they filmed.

"But it doesn't really sound right. I don't know," Eddy shrugged, placing the music on the stand. "Please excuse my handwriting."

"So what you're actually suggesting is that I play your piece for you?" Brett chuckled, raising an eyebrow at his boyfriend who gave him an innocent smile.

"Please, Bretty mine?" Eddy asked softly, making Brett's heart melt. He couldn't deny that beautiful smile.

"Alright, love, I'll play for you," Brett said, going over to look at what Eddy had written. It was pretty fragmented, basically just a few bars that hadn't been connected yet.

"So uh, no particular order, just uh... Just five themes, I guess," Eddy said with a small shrug. "Still working on... On two of them, but I think..."

"I'll just play," Brett said with a smile, lifting his violin and reading slowly through the first and the second theme, two of the ones Eddy seemed more certain about. They were nice, felt familiar in an odd way.

"I guess I didn't... Hold on," Eddy mumbled, finding a pencil and marking in a few grace notes and some articulation. "Try now."

Brett played them again, and continued with the next themes as well. That was until Eddy quickly took his stave paper off the music stand.

"Thank you, love, that's... I know what I need for these now," he said quickly, blushing slightly. Brett furrowed his brows.

"You sure? I barely played..?"

Eddy nodded, putting the stavepaper away.
"Yes, thank you," he said softly, shifting slightly. "I'll have you play more for me later, it's very useful."

"Alright, if you say so," Brett shrugged, going to put away his violin again. Eddy was adorable sometimes.

Closer 2Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora