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"You sure you don't want to stay a bit longer? I'll drove you back later, it's no sweat," Brett asked Belle again, not sure why she was so determined on leaving right away. The kids had only been asleep for a few minutes. Didn't she want to catch up with her brother?

"I'm sure. I think I gave Eddy something to think about, and I think he needs time on his own and with you tonight to figure it out," Belle explained as they sat in the car. Brett buckled himself in, but seemed to try and figure out to formulate the question. Belle was quicker.

"We talked a bit about Elise and her little emotional outburst earlier," she began, but Brett interrupted her before she could continue.

"God, I'm so sorry you had to see that. I genuinely don't know why she's suddenly switches. She can be an absolute sweetheart one second and a demon the next, and I just don't know why, honestly," he explained quickly as he started the car. Belle buckled herself in too, still having memories of Brett's driving back when he had first gotten his license.

"I can think of a reason, and I feel like you should realize that reason too, honestly. I can understand why Eddy doesn't, but you've got a younger brother, right?"

Brett looked at her for a moment, ug turned again to roll the car down the short driveway.
"You think she's jealous of her brothers?" he asked, using his indicator out of the driveway despite there being no cars around.

"I mean, how did you feel about getting a younger sibling? I know I thought it sucked," Belle pointed out with a shrug. "But I was four, and I actually understood what was going on."

"She understands... I think? I mean, she's young but..?"

Belle turned to Brett woth a raised eyebrow despite him having to focus on the dark road.
"Does she, though? Have you guys talked to her properly about it?"

Brett hesitated before his answer, tightening his hold on the steering wheel. A pot of guilt was brewing in his stomach, making him feel sick.

"I... I guess we didn't. We were going to, but then they decided to come early and... and then we were so focused on getting settled in the new house while the twins were in hospital..."

"Well, there you go," Belle said softly, looking out the window at the passing streetlights. She felt bad for her niece, knowing the feeling of having to step aside to let a baby sibling have the attention they needed too. At least she had understood what was happening, and at least she only had one idiot little brother to share with. Poor Elise had to deal with two, screaming little ones who probably took up practically all of Brett and Eddy's time.

Belle honestly couldn't blame her for acting out.

Brett stopped the car outside what recently had been referred to as grandma Chen's house and switched the engine off.
"Thanks Belle, for your insight," he said quietly, his gaze falling to where his hands were picking on the sleeve of his shirt.

"I just want her to be okay, and if that means stepping on your and Eddy's toes, I will," Belle said, unbuckling herself and opening the car door. "I'll see you tomorrow, alright? Maybe talk this over with Eddy tonight. I'm not sure if he got it."

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