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"Babaaa!" Elise shrieked, running into baba's arms as Eddy brought her into the room. May was going to a dance class so she couldn't come up with them, but they had figured they could just take their own car back and forth from now anyway, if they were to swap every other day anyway.

"Hey Li-Li, com'ere!" Brett grinned, catching her as she ran into him and lifting her up to press kisses all over her facw. "You had a fun time at the new house with daddy, huh?"

"Yeah! Kitty!" Elise grinned, clapping her hands. "Miaow!"

Brett raised an eyebrow, turning to Eddy who just shrugged. Well, something clearly was up with him which they wouldn't be able to talk about unless they got some help with Elise.

"There was a kitty?" Brett asked Elise, turning his attention back to her as Eddy walked up to Benjamin to watch him.

"Ya! Kitty did sleepies!" Elise explained with a big grin. "Cutie kitty."

"Really? Where was the kitty then?"

Eddy felt their cheerful conversation fade into the background as he watched his oldest son in the crib.
"Hey," he mouthed down at him, and it seemed Brett was too into his conversation with Elise to notice anyway. "Did you have a nice time with baba last night?"

He of course didn't expect a reply, but smiled a bit when he opened his eyes to look around a bit. Not that he was able to actually focus his vision yet.
"Yeah? Good. I got a picture of you. You looked really comfortable."

His little one way conversation was interrupted by a knock to the door, and the little family turned their heads towards the sound just in time to spot their doctor peek his head inside with a smile.

"Hey, we'd just like to come do the morning check ups for the boys. Is it a fitting time?" he asked despite having to do the checks now anyway. They had a packed schedule today.

"Yeah, of course," Brett smiled as Elise hid her face shyly in his shoulder.

Eddy stepped over to where Brett was standing so he wouldn't be in the way, and he took his boyfriend's hand carefully. Brett responded by squeezing it gently.

"You got to hold Benjamin last night?" Eddy asked as a whisper as they watched them draw blood from, weigh, and measure their boys. "Lucky you."

"Yeah, you can too when the nurse have time to help out," Brett smiled, leaning over to kiss his cheek. "He's so soft. I'll ask if you can hold him before they go. You have to try."

"It looks like we can try moving little Benjamin over to a regular crate for now," the doctor said with a smile , sending the nurse off to go fetch one. Eddy felt like fainting from the surprising news, but remembered to breathe before it actually happened.

"How is it with... You know, holding him and stuff?" Brett asked, a smile widening on his lips as he shifted his grip on Elise.

"Well, he'll still need some of the tubes, so I suggest having a nurse to help out with picking him up and moving him around, just so nothing happens," the doctor informed them. "But if you're just sitting and holding him, that should be fine."

"Can I hold him?" Eddy asked hopefully, eyes moving between the doctor and Benjamin.

"Sure, of course," the doctor said, turning to carefully pick Benjamin up. "Have a seat in that chair and I'll hand him over."

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