123. (nsfw)

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Brett had practically swallowed the plate of dinner in one bite, being so hungry for something that wasn't the hamburgers they sold in the canteen at the hospital. Then, after cleaning up everything, they slowly kind of moved over to the couch. Somehow, Eddy ended up gradually in Brett's  lap too, straddling him so he could hug his man properly at all times. Brett was happy to hold him.

"I feel bad leaving the boys," Eddy mumbled quietly, chin resting on Brett's shoulder. "I feel like a bad father."

"I don't think you're a bad father," Brett hummed softly, nuzzling his face into Eddy's neck. "I think it's important we take care of us to be the best parents for our kids."

"I know that logically," Eddy sighed softly. "I missed being with you so much."

"I've missed you too, Eddy. I've missed waking up next to you, I've missed being close to you, and hold you and kiss you..." Brett hummed softly, placing a kiss on the side of Eddy's neck. "I've missed... pleasuring you..."

Eddy's cheeks warmed up at the last few words that were practically purred into his ear. Brett always was so bold when ot came to sex, and it always made him feel shy.
"I've missed being pleasured by you too. I haven't had any release since last time we did it," he whispered back, licking his lips when Brett's hands slid down from his lower back to his ass.

"We can have that now, if you want?" Brett offered, kissing his neck again. "I can make you feel good now."

"Yes please, Bretty," Eddy exhaled slowly, leaning back slightly so he could kiss his boyfriend. God he missed this, he missed his boyfriend's hands, his body, his lips, his dick. He missed the whole of him.

"We gotta be quiet, though," Brett hummed softly, giving Eddy's ass a small squeeze. "But we can go to the bedroom, at least, so se have two doors between us and her."

"Let's go, then," Eddy whimpered, rolling himself off Brett's lap and getting to his feet. "Come, please Bretty."

Brett didn't hesitate at all before standing up and taking Eddy's hand, pulling him with him towards their bedroom where their bed was set up and their stuff had been placed on each nightstand. They didn't get as far as the bed, though, before Brett gently pressed Eddy against the wall and intertwined their fingers. Their lips touched, briefly at first, but slowly more hungrily. Tiny moans escaped Eddy's mouth, and when he felt Brett rub against him, and how hard he was already too, he couldn't help himself anymore.

"Please fuck me, Brett," Eddy moaned once they let the kiss go, and when Brett released him from the wall the power dynamic changed. Suddenly Eddy was the leader, guiding them to the bed. On the way, he felt Brett's fumbling gands struggle with the button on his jeans. It just made them tighter, and as he pushed Brett down into a seated position on the bed, he got the button open himself and let his pants drop to the floor.

"I'd love to fuck you, Eddy," Brett hummed softly, pulling him down for another kiss. "Come here, babe."

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