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Elise had no idea what baba wanted from her when he left the room, but she was too scared to ask anyway so she just stayed behind her crib, rocking slightly back and forth to soothe herself. The cat was sleeping across the room, and she kept her eyes locked to it to distract herself. She figured she wouldn't be allowed to go to the park with uncle Ray anymore, but at this point she just wanted Sharkie back. Everything was so much scarier without Sharkie.

She tensed up as there came a knock on the door, curling up more into the corner. The door creaked open and she heard light steps come into the room.

"Li-Li?" uncle Ray asked, not having spotted her yet. Elise felt her tears start up again. Was uncle Ray gonna yell at her too?

Uncle Ray took a few more steps into the room, getting into view from where Elise was hidden. She looked up at him, and a little sob escaped her. This time she couldn't even hide behind Sharkie.

"There you are," uncle Ray said softly, sitting down on his knees in front of her. She pressed herself further into the corner, but she ended up just moving the crib now. "It's okay, baby, I'm just here to talk, okay? I'm not angry."

Elise just shook her head, shivering slightly. She just wanted Sharkie back.

"You don't have to talk, it's okay. I just want you to know that I'm not angry at all, I'm not gonna yell at you," uncle said again, still calmly. "I just don't understand why you hit me, baby. Why were you angry?"

Elise hesitated, not really trusting that uncle wasn't angry. Everyone was always angry at her when she felt sad.
"B... Bo..." she said with small sniffles, looking down at her feet. She didn't know what really was wrong, she just knew that it was her brothers' fault.

"Bo? You mean your brothers?" Ray asked softly and Elise nodded slightly. The cat woke up from its nap and went to sit next to uncle. She kept her eyes on it, not wanting to look up at uncle.

"But baby, you know, it would only have been a minute. I came to spend time with you, not with them," uncle said, but Elise just shook her head again. She had heard that one before every time baba or daddy said they'd come play. They always just needed 'a minute' with her brothers first which always ended up with her playing alone with Sharkie.

"Noo..." she mumbled, her lip trembling. Tears were still running down her cheeks, and as she tried to wipe them herself it made her face all red and sore.

"I promise, Li-Li, I was just gonna say hi to them," uncle said, reaching out to stroke her arm. She flinched.

"Nooo..! Go away!" Elise said louder, trying to move away from the touch. Uncle Ray thankfully took the hint and pulled his hand back.

"Okay, okay, I won't touch you. I'm sorry," uncle Ray said quietly, and Elise quieted down again.

It was silent between them for a long while after that, both of them just sitting there. Elise eventually dared to look up at uncle, seeing that his nose was all purple. She knew that was because she had hit him, because ahe had also gotten a purple mark on her when she fell once. It made her stomach hurt to think about. She didn't really want to hurt uncle, she had just been so angry.

"Is there anything you want, baby? To make it better?" uncle Ray asked eventually, pulling her out of her thoughts. She hesitated before answering, because she knew she wasn't allowed to have what she wanted. Maybe uncle could persuade baba, though?

"Sharkie, please," she whispered shakily, sniffling a bit. Uncle Ray nodded a bit and slowly stood up. Then he offered his hand to her.

"Come, then," he said with a small smile. "Let's go ask nicely if we can have Sharkie back."

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